respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

Upper Respiratory System Crossword 2025-01-02

Upper Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another name for the throat
  2. the tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  3. providing an extensive area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood
  4. another name for the voice box
  5. these tubes connect the nasal passage with the middle ear and are part of the upper respiratory system
  6. one function of the respiratory system is to produce ____ involved in speaking, singing, and other forms of communication
  7. the two largest organs of the lower respiratory tract
  8. account for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs
  9. the bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  1. these structures, part of the immune system, are found in the back of the mouth and are part of the upper respiratory system
  2. the flap of cartilage that keeps food from going into the lungs
  3. one of the functions of the respiratory system is ____ respiratory surfaces from dehydration, temperature changes, or other environmental variations
  4. one function of the respiratory system is to produce enzymes that help regulate blood pressure it is called ____ converting enzyme
  5. as air passes through the mouth and nose, it is ____ and moistened, so that dry, cold air does not damage the delicate lungs.
  6. these cavities inside the head are part of the upper respiratory system and sometimes cause headaches if they get infected
  7. if all the surfaces in the alveoli were spread out flat, they would measure between 50 and 75 square meters, about the size of half a ____ court
  8. the respiratory helps maintain the ____ of blood
  9. one function of the respiratory system is defending the respiratory system and other tissues from invasion by
  10. one function of the respiratory system is facilitating the detection of ____ stimuli by receptors in the nasal cavity

19 Clues: another name for the throatanother name for the voice boxthe respiratory helps maintain the ____ of bloodthe tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe two largest organs of the lower respiratory tractaccount for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs...

Did you ever question how you breath? 2024-05-21

Did you ever question how you breath? crossword puzzle
  1. What organ passes air into the lungs?
  2. How many lobes is the right lung divided into?
  3. An early scientist who studied respiration.
  4. What animal is the respiratory system in?
  5. What is another name for the wind pipe?
  6. What does the diaphragm create?
  7. What does the body create when it heals its innards?
  8. What is the part of the respiratory system that moves air into the trachea?
  9. What gas in air does the human body need?
  10. An organ in the respiratory system that starts with L.
  1. What system includes the lungs and mouth?
  2. A structure in the respiratory system that starts with M.
  3. What system works with the respiratory system to spread the oxygen.
  4. What is one purpose of the respiratory system?
  5. What other thing does our body needs from the air?
  6. What is another purpose of the respiratory system?
  7. Does playing a sport increase or decrease your need for oxygen?
  8. What does the trachea move?
  9. What condition makes it harder to breath because of inflammation in your air ways.
  10. How many lobes is the left lung divided into?
  11. Is there a cure for asthma?

21 Clues: What does the trachea move?Is there a cure for asthma?What does the diaphragm create?What organ passes air into the lungs?What is another name for the wind pipe?What system includes the lungs and mouth?What animal is the respiratory system in?What gas in air does the human body need?An early scientist who studied respiration....

Upper Respiratory System Crossword 2023-04-06

Upper Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another name for the throat
  2. the tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  3. providing an extensive area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood
  4. another name for the voice box
  5. these tubes connect the nasal passage with the middle ear and are part of the upper respiratory system
  6. one function of the respiratory system is to produce ____ involved in speaking, singing, and other forms of communication
  7. the two largest organs of the lower respiratory tract
  8. account for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs
  9. the bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  1. these structures, part of the immune system, are found in the back of the mouth and are part of the upper respiratory system
  2. the flap of cartilage that keeps food from going into the lungs
  3. one of the functions of the respiratory system is ____ respiratory surfaces from dehydration, temperature changes, or other environmental variations
  4. one function of the respiratory system is to produce enzymes that help regulate blood pressure it is called ____ converting enzyme
  5. as air passes through the mouth and nose, it is ____ and moistened, so that dry, cold air does not damage the delicate lungs.
  6. these cavities inside the head are part of the upper respiratory system and sometimes cause headaches if they get infected
  7. if all the surfaces in the alveoli were spread out flat, they would measure between 50 and 75 square meters, about the size of half a ____ court
  8. the respiratory helps maintain the ____ of blood
  9. one function of the respiratory system is defending the respiratory system and other tissues from invasion by
  10. one function of the respiratory system is facilitating the detection of ____ stimuli by receptors in the nasal cavity

19 Clues: another name for the throatanother name for the voice boxthe respiratory helps maintain the ____ of bloodthe tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe two largest organs of the lower respiratory tractaccount for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs...

Upper Respiratory System Crossword 2023-11-01

Upper Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another name for the throat
  2. the tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  3. providing an extensive area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood
  4. another name for the voice box
  5. these tubes connect the nasal passage with the middle ear and are part of the upper respiratory system
  6. one function of the respiratory system is to produce ____ involved in speaking, singing, and other forms of communication
  7. the two largest organs of the lower respiratory tract
  8. account for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs
  9. the bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tract
  1. these structures, part of the immune system, are found in the back of the mouth and are part of the upper respiratory system
  2. the flap of cartilage that keeps food from going into the lungs
  3. one of the functions of the respiratory system is ____ respiratory surfaces from dehydration, temperature changes, or other environmental variations
  4. one function of the respiratory system is to produce enzymes that help regulate blood pressure it is called ____ converting enzyme
  5. as air passes through the mouth and nose, it is ____ and moistened, so that dry, cold air does not damage the delicate lungs.
  6. these cavities inside the head are part of the upper respiratory system and sometimes cause headaches if they get infected
  7. if all the surfaces in the alveoli were spread out flat, they would measure between 50 and 75 square meters, about the size of half a ____ court
  8. the respiratory helps maintain the ____ of blood
  9. one function of the respiratory system is defending the respiratory system and other tissues from invasion by
  10. one function of the respiratory system is facilitating the detection of ____ stimuli by receptors in the nasal cavity

19 Clues: another name for the throatanother name for the voice boxthe respiratory helps maintain the ____ of bloodthe tonsils are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe bronchi are part of the ____ respiratory tractthe two largest organs of the lower respiratory tractaccount for approximately 95% of immune cells in the lungs...

Body Systems Review 2024-12-03

Body Systems Review crossword puzzle
  1. Major organ of the respiratory system
  2. This word means movement and is the function of the muscular and skeletal system
  3. LIFE!!!
  4. This system consists of smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles
  5. Homeostasis and equilibrium means _____________ or same
  6. Major organ of the circulatory system
  7. Similar tissues working together
  8. This system transports nutrients from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system
  9. Similar cells working together
  10. This system protects your body from germs
  1. This is a major organ of the excretory system
  2. Another name for the circulatory system
  3. This system protects your organs
  4. Largest organ your body has
  5. The integumentary system means "to ____________"
  6. This is what is broken down by the digestive system
  7. An organ of the integumentary system
  8. A gas exchanged by the respiratory system
  9. System that deals with waste removal and water balance
  10. This system deals with gas exchange
  11. Another name for the excretory system
  12. Similar organs working together are and organ _________
  13. A major organ of the skeletal system

23 Clues: LIFE!!!Largest organ your body hasSimilar cells working togetherThis system protects your organsSimilar tissues working togetherThis system deals with gas exchangeAn organ of the integumentary systemA major organ of the skeletal systemMajor organ of the respiratory systemMajor organ of the circulatory systemAnother name for the excretory system...

Respiratory Part 1 2021-10-11

Respiratory Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. system that cleanses, moistens, and warms incoming air
  2. region of nasal cavity lined by stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
  3. point of epithelial change within the larynx
  4. cleaning apparatus of upper respiratory tract
  5. thick epithelium lacking goblet cells within the nasal cavity
  6. syndrome caused by missing dynein claws i n ciliated epithelial cells
  7. epithelium of the conductive system
  8. respiratory passage associated with smooth muscle, hyaline cartilage plates, mixed glands
  9. olfaction glands
  10. system composed of respiratory bronchioles and alveoli
  1. connective tissue that completes tracheal rings
  2. venous plexuses within olfactory and respiratory regions
  3. largest region of the nasal cavity, contains conchae
  4. cells present along most of the airway up until the large bronchioles
  5. system composed of respiratory bronchioles
  6. epithelium in the initial part of the larynx
  7. organ for chemoreception and sexual behavior in the nasal cavity
  8. defense mechanism using antibodies, and cell-mediated immunity
  9. defense mechanism using mucous, phagocytosis, and air turbulence
  10. structure fo the respiratory tract identified by rings of cartilage

20 Clues: olfaction glandsepithelium of the conductive systemsystem composed of respiratory bronchiolespoint of epithelial change within the larynxepithelium in the initial part of the larynxcleaning apparatus of upper respiratory tractconnective tissue that completes tracheal ringslargest region of the nasal cavity, contains conchae...

Body Systems 2021-08-26

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. process regulated by the endocrine system
  2. breathe, respiratory system
  3. lymph nodes
  4. regulates water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance of the blood
  5. bones, cartilage, joints
  6. carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients
  7. keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  8. in the skeletal system, teeth
  9. fast-acting control system of the body
  10. pumps blood
  1. heart and blood vessels
  2. helps regulate body temperature
  3. nervous system, think
  4. eliminated undigested food as solid waste
  5. allow movement
  6. process regulated by the endocrine system
  7. inhale, respiratory system
  8. external body covering
  9. producing of offspring

19 Clues: lymph nodespumps bloodallow movementnervous system, thinkexternal body coveringproducing of offspringheart and blood vesselsbones, cartilage, jointsinhale, respiratory systembreathe, respiratory systemin the skeletal system, teethhelps regulate body temperaturefast-acting control system of the bodyprocess regulated by the endocrine system...

Respiratory System 2021-09-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. mucus
  2. toxic and odourless gas
  3. small air sacs that exchange carbon monoxide and oxygen
  4. windpipe after the pharynx
  5. 2 airways to the lungs
  6. horizontally elongated feature of the face
  7. infection of the lungs
  8. sharp and loud expel of air from the lungs
  9. adjective of nose
  1. an overnight test of the respiratory system
  2. grippe
  3. caused by excessive amounts of phlegm
  4. abbreviation of an underwater breathing machine
  5. study of the respiratory system
  6. voluntary action of inhaling a harmful substance
  7. action of releasing air from the respiratory system
  8. Bronchial allergy to proteins
  9. largest organ in the respiratory system

18 Clues: mucusgrippeadjective of nose2 airways to the lungsinfection of the lungstoxic and odourless gaswindpipe after the pharynxBronchial allergy to proteinsstudy of the respiratory systemcaused by excessive amounts of phlegmlargest organ in the respiratory systemhorizontally elongated feature of the facesharp and loud expel of air from the lungs...

Respiratory System 2021-09-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. 2 airways to the lungs
  2. abbreviation of an underwater breathing machine
  3. windpipe after the pharynx
  4. study of the respiratory system
  5. Bronchial allergy to proteins
  6. adjective of nose
  7. valve preventing food or air
  8. grippe
  9. infection of the lungs
  10. voluntary action of inhaling a harmful substance
  1. action of releasing air from the respiratory system
  2. mucus
  3. toxic and odourless gas
  4. sharp and loud expel of air from the lungs
  5. horizontally elongated feature of the face
  6. largest organ in the respiratory system
  7. tube parallel to the trachea
  8. small air sacs that exchange carbon monoxide and oxygen
  9. caused by excessive amounts of phlegm
  10. an overnight test of the respiratory

20 Clues: mucusgrippeadjective of nose2 airways to the lungsinfection of the lungstoxic and odourless gaswindpipe after the pharynxvalve preventing food or airtube parallel to the tracheaBronchial allergy to proteinsstudy of the respiratory systeman overnight test of the respiratorycaused by excessive amounts of phlegmlargest organ in the respiratory system...

Circulatory and Respiratory System 2023-04-28

Circulatory and Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Delivers oxygen to the cells in your body
  2. Protects your airways from harmful substances and irritants
  3. the most important part of the circulatory system
  4. where the blood gathers food nutrients and delivers them to every cell in the circulatory system
  5. Tube that delivers air from your mouth and nose to the trachea in the respiratory system
  6. organ that passes oxygen and food nutrients to the cells in the circulatory system
  7. Warms air to match your body temperature and moisturizes it to the humidity level your body needs
  8. Two organs that remove oxygen from the air and pass it into your blood in the respiratory system
  1. Passage connecting your throat and lungs in the respiratory system
  2. main organ in respiratory system
  3. protect the lower respiratory tract from aspirating food into the trachea while breathing in the respiratory system
  4. oxygen: main function in the respiratory system
  5. organ that brings blood into the heart in the circulatory system
  6. the most important function of the blood in the circulatory system
  7. Tubes at the bottom of your windpipe that connect into each lung in the respiratory system

15 Clues: main organ in respiratory systemDelivers oxygen to the cells in your bodyoxygen: main function in the respiratory systemthe most important part of the circulatory systemProtects your airways from harmful substances and irritantsorgan that brings blood into the heart in the circulatory system...

Body System Review 2022-10-10

Body System Review crossword puzzle
  1. the system that gathers, interprets, and responds to information
  2. system that controls all other systems
  3. carries blood away from the heart
  4. white blood cells abbreviation
  5. stores and carries WBCs that fight disease
  6. long muscle tube part of the digestive system
  7. female reproductive organ
  8. gland that produces oil
  9. another name for the skin
  10. organ of the excretory system
  11. male reproductive organ
  12. hormones enter into the body through the ____
  13. the immune system fights off _____ invaders
  14. what muscle controls breathing?
  15. muscles move by ________
  16. reproductive and endocrine systems control _____
  1. respiratory system takes in ______
  2. "master gland"
  3. gland triggers homeostasis by triggering appetite
  4. controls all other systems
  5. organ of the respiratory system
  6. respiratory system removes ______
  7. skeletal system works w/ to produce white blood cells
  8. the system of the skin
  9. removes waste from the body
  10. what 2 systems are lymph nodes part of
  11. what's the biggest organ part of the immune system
  12. this system protects organs

28 Clues: "master gland"the system of the skingland that produces oilmale reproductive organmuscles move by ________female reproductive organanother name for the skincontrols all other systemsremoves waste from the bodythis system protects organsorgan of the excretory systemwhite blood cells abbreviationorgan of the respiratory system...

Organ Systems Melissa Hauman 2017-08-31

Organ Systems Melissa Hauman crossword puzzle
  1. this system breaks down food
  2. the respiratory system removes this
  3. Muscular system allows this
  4. this system needs the lungs
  5. part of the lymphatic system
  6. the speed of nervous system
  7. transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients
  1. is responsible for growth and reproduction
  2. the urinary system eliminates this
  3. stores minerals
  4. involved in immunity
  5. Synthesizes vitamin D
  6. this system is responsible for the production of offspring
  7. secretes this in the endocrine system
  8. respiratory system supplies the body with this

15 Clues: stores mineralsinvolved in immunitySynthesizes vitamin DMuscular system allows thisthis system needs the lungsthe speed of nervous systemthis system breaks down foodpart of the lymphatic systemthe urinary system eliminates thisthe respiratory system removes thissecretes this in the endocrine systemis responsible for growth and reproduction...

training principles 2017-09-27

training principles crossword puzzle
  1. stretching
  2. stomach
  3. Strength weighted squats
  4. sprinting
  5. Term Goal year
  6. particular
  7. Term Goal month
  8. Principle injury prevention
  9. on a clock
  10. System organ system
  11. System lungs
  12. Composition body fat
  1. too much
  2. how often done
  3. getting better
  4. yoga
  5. blood vessels
  6. extreme
  7. respiratory Endurance running

19 Clues: yogastomachextremetoo muchsprintingstretchingparticularon a clockSystem lungsblood vesselshow often donegetting betterTerm Goal yearTerm Goal monthSystem organ systemComposition body fatStrength weighted squatsPrinciple injury preventionrespiratory Endurance running

The Respiratory System 2016-10-07

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. organ that is involved in the respiratory system that pumps blood through the body
  2. what is the system that works with the respiratory to get oxygen to your body
  3. The place in which gases are exchanged between the respiratory system and the circulatory system
  4. the vessel a part of the respiratory system that transports de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
  5. what is the flap called that prevents food and drink from going into your lungs
  6. a part of the respiratory system that is in charge of carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium
  7. One of the most common cancers in the world, usually caused by cigarette smoke
  8. a part of the lungs involved in the respiratory which are extensions of the windpipe that shuttle air to and from the lungs
  9. something carried through the body by red blood cells
  1. A chronic disease in which your airway walls become sore and swollen, narrowing so that your lungs get less air
  2. A part of the respiratory system that allows for the movement of air from the nose and mouth to the larynx in the process of breathing
  3. into which body part does the air go through first before entering the bronchi
  4. the system which is in charge of gas exchange and supplying oxygen to rest of the body
  5. This thin, dome-shaped muscle helps you breathe and separates the lungs from your stomach and intestines, which is involved in the respiratory system
  6. part of the respiratory system which is located in between the trachea and pharynx, it is in charge of swallowing, breathing and talking

15 Clues: something carried through the body by red blood cellswhat is the system that works with the respiratory to get oxygen to your bodyinto which body part does the air go through first before entering the bronchiOne of the most common cancers in the world, usually caused by cigarette smoke...

Transport and Defense 2022-06-14

Transport and Defense crossword puzzle
  1. connect the trachea to the alveoli
  2. stores urine
  3. urine is removed through this tube
  4. air passes through this to the trachea
  5. the system that removes waste
  6. makes urine
  7. organ in the circulatory system
  8. oxygen enters the capillaries from this part of the respiratory system
  9. these carry blood to the heart
  10. small blood vessels
  11. connects the pharynx to the bronchi
  1. connects the mouth to the stomach
  2. the system that transports blood
  3. makes bile
  4. the system that exchanges gases
  5. these carry blood away from the heart
  6. makes enzymes to aid digestion
  7. the system that breaks down food
  8. connects the kidney to the bladder
  9. food goes to the small intestine from here
  10. part of the excretory and respiratory systems

21 Clues: makes bilemakes urinestores urinesmall blood vesselsthe system that removes wastemakes enzymes to aid digestionthese carry blood to the heartthe system that exchanges gasesorgan in the circulatory systemthe system that transports bloodthe system that breaks down foodconnects the mouth to the stomachconnect the trachea to the alveoli...

Respiratory System 2021-05-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath.
  2. paralysis of the larynx.
  3. the presence of pus in the pleural cavity between the layers of the pleural membrane.
  4. a medication that expands the opening of the passages into the lungs.
  5. an inflammation of the larynx.
  6. transports air from the trachea into the lungs.
  7. makes speech possible.
  8. closes off the trachea during swallowing.
  9. a chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing.
  10. transports air back and forth between the pharynx and the bronchi.
  11. the surgical puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural cavity.
  12. fibrosis of the lung tissues caused by dust in the lungs that usually develops after prolonged environmental or occupational contact.
  13. the absence of oxygen from the body's gases, blood, or tissues.
  14. an abnormally rapid rate of respiration usually of more than 20 breaths per minute.
  15. an excessive discharge of mucus from the bronchi.
  16. the cavity located between the lungs.
  17. the condition that occurs when the body cannot get the air it needs to function.
  18. a condition of having below-normal oxygen level in the blood.
  19. the inflammation of the sinuses.
  20. the accumulation of air in the pleural space causing a pressure imbalance that prevents the lung from fully expanding or can cause it to collapse.
  21. a contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles that tighten and squeeze the airway shut.
  22. shallow or slow respiration.
  23. the surgical creation of an opening into the chest cavity.
  24. the absence of spontaneous respiration.
  1. a bleeding from the nose that is usually caused by an injury, excessive use of blood thinners, or bleeding disorders.
  2. an acute bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract.
  3. an abnormally slow rate of respiration usually of less than 10 breaths per minute.
  4. a genetic disorder in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with large quantities of abnormally thick mucus.
  5. air sacs that exchange gases with the pulmonary capillary blood.
  6. is coughing up blood or bloodstained sputum derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes as a result of a pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.
  7. a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by recurrent bouts of a paroxysmal cough, followed by breathlessness, and a noisy inspiration.
  8. an external monitor placed on the patient's finger or earlobe to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood.
  9. an acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough.
  10. an inflammation of the pharynx.
  11. bring oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide and some water waste from the body.
  12. the creation of a stoma into the trachea and inserting a tube to facilitate the passage of air or the removal of secretions.
  13. a collection of blood in the pleural cavity.
  14. produce mucus for the nasal cavities, make bones of the skull lighter, aid in sound production.
  15. an infectious disease caused by a mycobacterium tuberculosis, usually attacks the lungs; however it can affect other parts of the body.
  16. the progressive loss of lung function that is characterized by a decrease in the total number of alveoli, the enlargement of the remaining alveoli, and the progressive destruction of the walls of the remaining alveoli.
  17. a disease caused by coal dust in the lungs.
  18. the loss of the ability of the larynx to produce normal speech sounds.
  19. exchanges air during inhaling and exhaling; warms, moisturizes, and filters inhaled air.
  20. pain in the pleura that occurs in relation to breathing movements.
  21. breathing that is deeper and more rapid than is normal at rest.
  22. pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to turn it into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the patient via a face mask or mouth piece.
  23. usually an emergency procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway below a blockage.
  24. the abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  25. any change in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty.
  26. transports air back and forth between the nose and the trachea.

50 Clues: makes speech possible.paralysis of the larynx.shallow or slow inflammation of the inflammation of the pharynx.the inflammation of the sinuses.the cavity located between the lungs.the absence of spontaneous respiration.closes off the trachea during swallowing.a disease caused by coal dust in the lungs....

Respiratory System 2021-05-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the pleura that produces sharp chest pain with each breath.
  2. paralysis of the larynx.
  3. the presence of pus in the pleural cavity between the layers of the pleural membrane.
  4. a medication that expands the opening of the passages into the lungs.
  5. an inflammation of the larynx.
  6. transports air from the trachea into the lungs.
  7. makes speech possible.
  8. closes off the trachea during swallowing.
  9. a chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing.
  10. transports air back and forth between the pharynx and the bronchi.
  11. the surgical puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural cavity.
  12. fibrosis of the lung tissues caused by dust in the lungs that usually develops after prolonged environmental or occupational contact.
  13. the absence of oxygen from the body's gases, blood, or tissues.
  14. an abnormally rapid rate of respiration usually of more than 20 breaths per minute.
  15. an excessive discharge of mucus from the bronchi.
  16. the cavity located between the lungs.
  17. the condition that occurs when the body cannot get the air it needs to function.
  18. a condition of having below-normal oxygen level in the blood.
  19. the inflammation of the sinuses.
  20. the accumulation of air in the pleural space causing a pressure imbalance that prevents the lung from fully expanding or can cause it to collapse.
  21. a contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles that tighten and squeeze the airway shut.
  22. shallow or slow respiration.
  23. the surgical creation of an opening into the chest cavity.
  24. the absence of spontaneous respiration.
  1. a bleeding from the nose that is usually caused by an injury, excessive use of blood thinners, or bleeding disorders.
  2. an acute bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract.
  3. an abnormally slow rate of respiration usually of less than 10 breaths per minute.
  4. a genetic disorder in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with large quantities of abnormally thick mucus.
  5. air sacs that exchange gases with the pulmonary capillary blood.
  6. is coughing up blood or bloodstained sputum derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes as a result of a pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage.
  7. a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by recurrent bouts of a paroxysmal cough, followed by breathlessness, and a noisy inspiration.
  8. an external monitor placed on the patient's finger or earlobe to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood.
  9. an acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of the larynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough.
  10. an inflammation of the pharynx.
  11. bring oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide and some water waste from the body.
  12. the creation of a stoma into the trachea and inserting a tube to facilitate the passage of air or the removal of secretions.
  13. a collection of blood in the pleural cavity.
  14. produce mucus for the nasal cavities, make bones of the skull lighter, aid in sound production.
  15. an infectious disease caused by a mycobacterium tuberculosis, usually attacks the lungs; however it can affect other parts of the body.
  16. the progressive loss of lung function that is characterized by a decrease in the total number of alveoli, the enlargement of the remaining alveoli, and the progressive destruction of the walls of the remaining alveoli.
  17. a disease caused by coal dust in the lungs.
  18. the loss of the ability of the larynx to produce normal speech sounds.
  19. exchanges air during inhaling and exhaling; warms, moisturizes, and filters inhaled air.
  20. pain in the pleura that occurs in relation to breathing movements.
  21. breathing that is deeper and more rapid than is normal at rest.
  22. pumps air or oxygen through a liquid medicine to turn it into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the patient via a face mask or mouth piece.
  23. usually an emergency procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway below a blockage.
  24. the abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  25. any change in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty.
  26. transports air back and forth between the nose and the trachea.

50 Clues: makes speech possible.paralysis of the larynx.shallow or slow inflammation of the inflammation of the pharynx.the inflammation of the sinuses.the cavity located between the lungs.the absence of spontaneous respiration.closes off the trachea during swallowing.a disease caused by coal dust in the lungs....

Respiratory System 2022-09-05

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Also known as windpipe
  2. Also known as nosebleed
  3. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  4. Median portion which contains the heart and the great vessels
  5. presence of air within the pleural cavity occurs spontaneously or as a result of trauma
  6. Needle puncture through the chest wall, used to remove fluid and occasionally air from the pleural space
  7. Usually occurs in the spring and fall and is caused by allergy to pollens from trees, flowers, or grasses;
  8. collapse alveoli in part or all of the lung
  9. heart and the lungs
  10. Measured to give an indication of adequacy of ventilation
  11. Circulation of the blood that only occurs
  12. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  1. movement of air in and out of the lungs
  2. Primary cause of COPD
  3. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  4. lipoproteins that lowers surface tension in the alveoli
  5. serves as the passageway for air to pass to and from the lungs
  6. the whole process of gas exchange between the atmospheric air and the blood, and between the blood and cells of the body
  7. Noncardiogenic pulmonary infiltrations resulting in stiff, wet lungs, and refractory hypoxemia
  8. Derived from the summation of different lung volumes
  9. Characterized by airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli
  10. Include emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  11. Characterized by increased airway resistance and decreasing diffusing capacity
  12. small sacs; primary site of gas exchange

24 Clues: heart and the lungsPrimary cause of COPDAlso known as windpipeAlso known as nosebleedmovement of air in and out of the lungsInclude emphysema and chronic bronchitissmall sacs; primary site of gas exchangeCirculation of the blood that only occurscollapse alveoli in part or all of the lungcovers opening to the larynx during swallowing...

Respiratory system 2022-10-11

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Rapid and deep breathing is called
  2. Covering the membrane of the lungs is
  3. functions by filtering and keeping the mucus and dirt away from our lung's
  4. organ made of cartilage and connects the pharynx to the trachea
  5. structure which Filters the air way breathe.
  6. The internal lining of the trachea has a membrane of
  7. Above normal partial pressure of CO₂ is called
  8. which structure does the trachea lead to in the lungs
  9. In Aves, the exchange of gases occurs within the __________.
  10. a common lung infection in young children and infants.
  11. the tiny air sacs in the lungs
  1. dioxide The gas which stimulates respiration is
  2. infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs
  3. A deficiency of oxygen at the tissue level is called
  4. The anterior part of the nasal cavity is called the
  5. lung condition that causes shortness of breath.
  6. ___________ is located between two pleural sacs and is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity?
  7. an infection of the main airways of the lungs (bronchi), causing them to become irritated and inflamed.
  8. Difficulty in breathing is termed as
  9. The cartilage which connects the larynx and trachea is called the
  10. In Earthworms, the process of respiration is through ________.

21 Clues: the tiny air sacs in the lungsRapid and deep breathing is calledDifficulty in breathing is termed asCovering the membrane of the lungs isstructure which Filters the air way breathe.Above normal partial pressure of CO₂ is calledlung condition that causes shortness of breath.dioxide The gas which stimulates respiration is...

Respiratory System 2022-12-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. can be caused by smoking or hereditary
  2. part of capillaries that warms air
  3. disease that causes strong bronchioconstriction
  4. unloading is the goal of systemic capillaries
  5. upper respiratory system and made of bones and hyaline cartilage
  6. treat bronchospasms caused by asthma attacks
  7. Reflex aka Hering-Breuer Reflex
  8. grooves under nasal concha
  9. tonsil located posterior to the nasal cavity
  10. 4 inches long
  11. is mostly oxygen and nitrogen
  12. nerve innervates the diaphragm
  13. cartilage lateral to laryngeal prominence
  14. skin color when saturation is less than 75%
  15. respiration uses oxygen and CO2 made by cells
  16. respiratory rate controlled by neurons in the brainstem
  17. how about 20% of CO2 is transported from the tissues to the lungs
  18. connects the open end of cartilage rings
  19. Respiratory Group sends signals to VRG that help make sure respiratory rhythm is good
  20. monoxide poisoning leading cause of death in fires
  1. composed of capillary and alveolar walls and their basement membranes
  2. COPD patients that lose a lot of weight but still have normal blood gas levels
  3. cartilage that anchors vocal cords
  4. there are 3 of these in the nasal cavity (superior, middle, inferior)
  5. another sense a part of respiratory system
  6. moistening of entering air
  7. intercostals are used along with the diaphragm for quiet inspiration
  8. sinuses mucosa lined, air filled cavities
  9. compliance is the stretchiness and denseness of the lungs
  10. fully saturated when 4 oxygen are bound
  11. folds closes the glottis when swallowing and has nothing to with sound production
  12. respond when levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen change
  13. zone passageway for airflow from nose to bronchioles
  14. part of pharynx behind oral cavity
  15. is what happens if intrapleural pressure = 0mmHg and atmospheric pressure = 0mmHg
  16. is the 2 breathing processes (air going into and leaving the lungs)
  17. another term for collapsed lungs
  18. 2nd wall layer in trachea
  19. sacs are a group of alveoli
  20. 3rd branch of bronchioles
  21. diffusion is the transportation for gas exchange across respiratory membrane
  22. system uses 4 processes to get rid of carbon dioxide in the body and supplies the body with oxygen.

42 Clues: 4 inches long2nd wall layer in trachea3rd branch of bronchiolesmoistening of entering airgrooves under nasal conchasacs are a group of alveoliis mostly oxygen and nitrogennerve innervates the diaphragmReflex aka Hering-Breuer Reflexanother term for collapsed lungscartilage that anchors vocal cordspart of capillaries that warms air...

Respiratory System 2020-02-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. voice box; vibrates and creates sound
  2. top of the trachea, closes it off when needed
  3. that keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt
  4. rings/keeps the throat open and made of cartilage
  5. blood; gas exchange
  6. mucus into the nasal passage
  7. separates nasal passage from the moth cavity and prevents punctures
  8. cage/protects and surrounds the lungs and heart; aids in breathing
  9. muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen
  10. branch off the bronchi and transport air
  11. membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus.
  1. sacs in the lungs; gas exchange
  2. of the lungs (surrounds them)
  3. food
  4. pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest
  5. of the trachea
  6. warms the air, cleans air, and the mucus humidifies air
  7. cavity/houses the heart and lungs
  8. directly to the lungs and branches off; transports air into the lungs
  9. pipeline that transports air

20 Clues: foodof the tracheablood; gas exchangemucus into the nasal passagepipeline that transports airof the lungs (surrounds them)sacs in the lungs; gas exchangecavity/houses the heart and lungsvoice box; vibrates and creates soundbranch off the bronchi and transport airtop of the trachea, closes it off when needed...


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. encloses the heart, esophagus trachea and thymus gland
  2. roof of the mouth/ partition between the oral and nasal cavities
  3. abnormal dilation of the bronchi with accumulation of mucus
  4. excessive movement of air in and out of lungs. causes hypo capnia
  5. inflammation of pleura
  6. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ combination of bronchitis and emphysema
  7. subdivisions of the lungs with two on the left and three on the right
  8. deficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells
  9. carbon dioxide
  10. thin-walled, microscopic air sacs that exchange gases
  11. windpipe
  12. peak flow
  13. breathing
  14. chest
  15. a lid-like structure that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway
  16. collapse of lung tissue
  1. bluish coloration of the skin caused by a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood
  2. normal breathing
  3. cartilaginous ridge at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
  4. voice box
  5. larynx
  6. two spongy organs in the thoracic cavity enclosed by the diaphragm and rib cage
  7. vital capacity
  8. coughing up and spitting out of material from lungs
  9. upper respiratory infection
  10. hoarseness
  11. blood in the pleural cavity
  12. diaphragm
  13. throat
  14. popping lungs sounds heard when air enters diseased airways
  15. constriction of bronchi caused by spasm of the peribronchial smooth muscle
  16. puncture for aspiration of the chest
  17. air in the pleural cavity
  18. oval lymphatic tissues that filter air to protect the body from bacterial invasion
  19. pulmonary embolism/ occlusion in the pulmonary circulation most often caused by a blood cloth

35 Clues: chestlarynxthroatwindpipevoice boxdiaphragmpeak flowbreathinghoarsenessvital capacitycarbon dioxidenormal breathinginflammation of pleuracollapse of lung tissueair in the pleural cavityupper respiratory infectionblood in the pleural cavitypuncture for aspiration of the chestdeficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells...

Respiratory System! 2020-04-15

Respiratory System! crossword puzzle
  1. In mucus
  2. Tissue that covers the outside of the lungs
  3. Passage for air into the bronchi
  4. _____ Volume. Air left in the lungs, even after a deep breath
  5. Splits into larynx & esophagus
  6. Fish use them to breathe
  7. strong muscle that signifies the bottom of the thoracic cavity
  8. One way air can enter the body (2 words)
  9. Traps dust, dirt, and other particulates
  10. Connects the bronchus to the alveolar sacs
  11. Molecule in red blood cells that oxygen attaches to
  1. Expiratory + tidal + residual volumes
  2. Voice box
  3. ____ Volume. A regular breath
  4. _____ Volume. Little bit of extra air after exhalation. (2 words)
  5. Air moves through the nasal canal away from the lungs
  6. Air moves through the nasal canal towards the lungs
  7. Has the consistency of detergent. Lowers surface tension in the alveoli
  8. How elastic the lungs can be
  9. Where gas exchange occurs

20 Clues: In mucusVoice boxFish use them to breatheWhere gas exchange occursHow elastic the lungs can be____ Volume. A regular breathSplits into larynx & esophagusPassage for air into the bronchiExpiratory + tidal + residual volumesOne way air can enter the body (2 words)Traps dust, dirt, and other particulatesConnects the bronchus to the alveolar sacs...

Respiratory System 2021-02-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The volume of air inspired or expired per breath
  2. The nerve connected the diaphragm
  3. The combining of oxygen and haemoglobin
  4. The second helper muscle in inspiration
  5. abdominis The second helper muscle in expiration
  6. The realease of oxygen from haemoglobin
  7. Detect an increase in blood acidity
  8. The number of breaths per minute
  9. Gaseous exchange in the lungs
  10. a control centre which is responsible for respiartory regulation
  1. Detect motor activity
  2. Detect lung inflation
  3. The pressure exerted by a gas
  4. The first helper muscle in inspiration
  5. When oxygen is carried by haemoglobin
  6. Movement of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
  7. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water
  8. intercostals The first helper muscle in expiration
  9. The volume of air inspired or expired per minute
  10. Gaseous exchange in the muscles
  11. Detect an increase in blood temp

21 Clues: Detect motor activityDetect lung inflationThe pressure exerted by a gasGaseous exchange in the lungsGaseous exchange in the musclesDetect an increase in blood tempThe number of breaths per minuteThe nerve connected the diaphragmDetect an increase in blood acidityWhen oxygen is carried by haemoglobinThe first helper muscle in inspiration...

Respiratory system 2021-02-12

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. space at the back of the oral cavity
  2. disease caused by smoking
  3. cavity where lungs sit
  4. required for cellular respiration
  5. inflammation of air passages
  6. bones of the nasal cavity
  7. test that measures air volume
  8. collapsed lung
  9. tubes from trachea to lungs
  10. muscle used for breathing
  11. divides left and right nostrils
  12. air sacs
  13. voice box
  1. whooping cough
  2. pause in breathing during sleep
  3. spasm of the diaphragm
  4. build up of fluid
  5. windpipe
  6. opening with vocal cords
  7. prevents food from entering the airway
  8. spaces within the skull bones
  9. where cellular respiration takes place
  10. lack of oxygen in tissues
  11. keeps alveoli from collapsing
  12. respiratory center of the brain

25 Clues: windpipeair sacsvoice boxwhooping coughcollapsed lungbuild up of fluidspasm of the diaphragmcavity where lungs sitopening with vocal cordsdisease caused by smokinglack of oxygen in tissuesbones of the nasal cavitymuscle used for breathingtubes from trachea to lungsinflammation of air passagesspaces within the skull bones...

Respiratory System 2021-03-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of exhaled air when taking a deep breath
  2. This lung is composed of three lobes
  3. contains no blood vessels and vibrate to produce sound
  4. provides oxygen to the body to produce ATP
  5. A bunch of alveoli put together
  6. the outermost covering of the lungs that keeps the structure in place
  7. Allows for voice production and the passageway of air
  8. Allows for both food and air; divides the esophagus and trachea; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  9. small bronchioles that lead to the alveoli
  10. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and capillary bed
  11. The area of the lungs where gas exchange takes place
  12. Allows for both food and air to enter the body; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  13. the outer covering of the lung wall
  14. The amount of air left in the lungs after maximum exhalation
  15. the first division of the trachea
  16. Receives both pulmonary and systemic blood flow
  17. A flexible windpipe that leads to lungs
  18. This structure connects the respiratory bronchiole to the alveolar sac
  19. air passageway; secretes mucous; composed of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  20. first structure hair hits as it enters the nasal passageway
  21. Small bronchioles leading to the respiratory bronchioles
  1. the amount of air taken in when taking a deep breath
  2. produce no sound and contains no blood vessels; believed to be for protection and muscle attachment
  3. The first division occurring after the secondary bronchi
  4. This lung is composed of two lobes
  5. skeletal muscles that pulls down to fill the lings with air
  6. The total amount of air moved per breath when breathing normally
  7. Covers the larynx when swallowing food to prevent entrance into airways
  8. Has contact with the alveoli epithelium for gas exchange
  9. increases surface area to filter air in the nasal passageway
  10. first subdivision of the primary bronchi
  11. A cavity between the visceral and parietal pleura
  12. the total amount inspiratory/expiratory reserve volume and tidal volume put together

33 Clues: A bunch of alveoli put togetherthe first division of the tracheaThis lung is composed of two lobesthe outer covering of the lung wallThis lung is composed of three lobesA flexible windpipe that leads to lungsfirst subdivision of the primary bronchiprovides oxygen to the body to produce ATPsmall bronchioles that lead to the alveoli...

Respiratory System 2021-03-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of exhaled air when taking a deep breath
  2. This lung is composed of three lobes
  3. contains no blood vessels and vibrate to produce sound
  4. provides oxygen to the body to produce ATP
  5. A bunch of alveoli put together
  6. the outermost covering of the lungs that keeps the structure in place
  7. Allows for voice production and the passageway of air
  8. Allows for both food and air; divides the esophagus and trachea; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  9. small bronchioles that lead to the alveoli
  10. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and capillary bed
  11. The area of the lungs where gas exchange takes place
  12. Allows for both food and air to enter the body; composed of stratified squamous w/o keratin epithelium
  13. the outer covering of the lung wall
  14. The amount of air left in the lungs after maximum exhalation
  15. the first division of the trachea
  16. Receives both pulmonary and systemic blood flow
  17. A flexible windpipe that leads to lungs
  18. This structure connects the respiratory bronchiole to the alveolar sac
  19. air passageway; secretes mucous; composed of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  20. first structure air hits as it enters the nasal passageway
  21. Small bronchioles leading to the respiratory bronchioles
  1. the amount of air taken in when taking a deep breath
  2. produce no sound and contains no blood vessels; believed to be for protection and muscle attachment
  3. The first division occurring after the secondary bronchi
  4. This lung is composed of two lobes
  5. skeletal muscles that pulls down to fill the lungs with air
  6. The total amount of air moved per breath when breathing normally
  7. Covers the larynx when swallowing food to prevent entrance into airways
  8. Has contact with the alveoli epithelium for gas exchange
  9. increases surface area to filter air in the nasal passageway
  10. first subdivision of the primary bronchi
  11. A cavity between the visceral and parietal pleura
  12. the total amount inspiratory/expiratory reserve volume and tidal volume put together

33 Clues: A bunch of alveoli put togetherthe first division of the tracheaThis lung is composed of two lobesthe outer covering of the lung wallThis lung is composed of three lobesA flexible windpipe that leads to lungsfirst subdivision of the primary bronchiprovides oxygen to the body to produce ATPsmall bronchioles that lead to the alveoli...

Respiratory System 2021-03-04

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. section of pharynx attached to the larynx
  2. branches of airway containing cartilage rings
  3. respiration, gas exchange between blood-tissues
  4. gas law that allows us to breathe our atmosphere
  5. respiration gas exchange between alveoli-blood
  6. main breathing muscle, floor of thoracic cavity
  7. prevents alveoli from collapsing
  8. normal quiet breathing
  9. chronic inflammation of bronchial tubes
  10. aka the voice box
  1. small branches of airway, no cartilage rings
  2. structure in lung, sight of external respiration
  3. paired organ of respiration
  4. section of pharynx behind the nose
  5. external openings of this are the nares
  6. cartilage that divides the naval cavity
  7. disorder means blown up or full of air
  8. volume of air moved during eupnea
  9. passes air from nose to larynx
  10. aka windpipe
  11. section of pharynx behind the mouth
  12. deprived of adequate levels oxygen in blood

22 Clues: aka windpipeaka the voice boxnormal quiet breathingpaired organ of respirationpasses air from nose to larynxprevents alveoli from collapsingvolume of air moved during eupneasection of pharynx behind the nosesection of pharynx behind the mouthdisorder means blown up or full of airexternal openings of this are the nares...

Respiratory System 2021-04-14

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, heart, and other structures.
  2. it is made in our bodies as cells do their jobs, the lungs and respiratory system system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into body, while your body also breathes this out
  3. located below the lungs, its the major muscle of respiration, its a large dome shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continually, most of the time involuntarily.
  4. a thin layer of fluid covering the luminal surface of the airway
  5. an infection of the lungs that may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, the infection causes the lungs air sacs to become inflamed and fill up with fluid or pus.
  6. Passage leading from your mouth and throat to your stomach
  7. the secondary external opening for the respiratory tract, it can be used to supplement or replace the nasal cavity's functions when needed
  8. the small flap just above the larynx that prevents food and drinks from entering your windpipe.
  9. the hair like projections lined within the bronchus in the lungs
  10. area connecting the throat to the windpipe, without it we would hardly be able to sing or speak, it also keeps food and drinks out of the windpipe.
  11. the gas-exchange region, the alveolar wall, common to 2 adjacent alveoli
  1. the process of letting air out of the lungs during the breathing cycle, the relaxation of the diaphragm and elastic recoil of tissue decreases the thoracic volume and increases the interalveolar pressure
  2. the lungs allow us to breath, they bring oxygen into our bodies, and send CO2 out.
  3. the thing you inhale which then enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli
  4. a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus, trigger coughing, and wheezing.
  5. a group of organs and tissues that work together to help your breath
  6. the process of taking air into the lungs, it is the active phase of ventilation because it is the result of muscle contraction
  7. the diaphragm moves upward and the chest wall muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to get smaller and push air out of the respiratory system through the nose or mouth.
  8. Cone shaped passageway leading from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the esophagus and larynx
  9. the airway that leads from the larynx to the bronchi

20 Clues: the airway that leads from the larynx to the bronchiPassage leading from your mouth and throat to your stomacha thin layer of fluid covering the luminal surface of the airwaythe hair like projections lined within the bronchus in the lungsa group of organs and tissues that work together to help your breath...

Respiratory System 2021-03-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. gas exchange between the bloodstream and tissues, and cellular respiration
  2. a hereditary disease that affects the lungs and digestive system
  3. covers the lung surfaces
  4. dont create sound
  5. space on the surface of the left lung for the heart
  6. They increase the surface area of the nasal cavities
  7. an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes
  8. sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts
  9. run between the ribs and help form and move the chest wall.
  10. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs
  1. contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting, and vasomotor centers regulating heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure... contains tracts that carry signals from the cerebrum to the medulla and to the cerebellum.
  2. bulk flow of air into and out of the lungs and the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide into the bloodstream through diffusion.
  3. caused by rapid exposure to low amounts of oxygen at high elevation
  4. the rebound of the lungs after having been stretched by inhalation
  5. The first airway to branch out from the trachea
  6. movement of anything from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
  7. create sound
  8. uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the lungs
  9. the windpipe.
  10. A tiny branch of air tubes in the lungs.
  11. connect the respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs
  12. Tiny air sacs where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen
  13. a surgical procedure
  14. separates the left and right airways of the nasal cavity
  15. also called voice box.

25 Clues: create soundthe windpipe.dont create sounda surgical procedurealso called voice box.covers the lung surfacesA tiny branch of air tubes in the lungs.The first airway to branch out from the tracheaspace on the surface of the left lung for the heartuncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the lungsconnect the respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs...

Respiratory System 2021-11-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. excision of a lung or portion of it
  2. larynx
  3. chest
  4. incomplete; imperfect
  5. trachea divides into two branches called
  6. windpipe
  7. voice box
  8. air;lung
  9. bronchiole
  10. alveolus; air sac
  11. sinus, cavity
  12. absence of the sense of smell
  13. large muscular partition
  14. adenoids
  1. straight
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. dust
  4. trachea
  5. oxygen deficiency
  6. diaphragm; mind
  7. chest
  8. lobe
  9. tonsils
  10. coal, coal dust
  11. blue
  12. excessive acidity of the body
  13. oxygen
  14. nose
  15. nose bleed
  16. septum

30 Clues: dustlobebluenosechestchestlarynxoxygenseptumtracheatonsilsstraightwindpipeair;lungadenoidsvoice boxbronchiolenose bleedsinus, cavitycarbon dioxidediaphragm; mindcoal, coal dustoxygen deficiencyalveolus; air sacincomplete; imperfectlarge muscular partitionexcessive acidity of the bodyabsence of the sense of smellexcision of a lung or portion of it...

Respiratory System 2023-02-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. air sac in the lungs
  2. amount of air remaining in lungs after force expiration
  3. opening on the lung's medial surface through which primary bronchi and pulmonary blood vessels pass
  4. lipoprotein secreted by alveolar cells that decreases surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli permitting expansion
  5. link between the microbiota of the gut and that of the lung that influences health
  6. portion of the respiratory tract that carries air through the neck and upper chest
  7. serous membrane covering the lungs and the thoracic cavity
  8. the uppermost cartilage of the larynx that closes during swallowing to direct food and liquids to the esophagus
  9. the pressure between the visceral and parietal pluerae which assists with lung expansion
  10. the movement of air into and out of the lungs
  11. the number of oxygen molecules bound to hemoglobin at any one time
  12. cartilaginous ride situated where the trachea divides into two bronchi
  13. air that normally remains in conducting airways during respiration
  14. potential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae
  15. part of the pharynx residing between the soft palate and the base of the tongue
  16. part of the pharynx that passes dorsal to the larynx and connects to the esophagus
  1. the amount of air inhaled and exhaled during quiet breathing
  2. membrane consisting of alveolar epithelium and capillary epithelium across which gas exchange occurs
  3. combination of hemoglobin with oxygen
  4. the maximum amount of air the lungs can contain; vital capacity plus residual volume
  5. the amount of air inhaled using maximum effort after a normal inspiration
  6. the contribution of a single gas in a mixture of gases toward the total pressure of the gas mixture
  7. structure made of cartilage and muscle at the upper end of the trachea that is part of the airway and vocal apparatus
  8. the amount of air that can be exhaled after normal expiration using maximum effort
  9. the balance between the amount of air flowing into the alveolus with the flow of blood through the capillaries
  10. includes all air in the conducting airways plus the air in the alveoli that are poorly perfused
  11. one of the smaller subdivisions of the bronchial tubes
  12. the amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled with the deepest possible breath
  13. combination of hemoglobin with carbon dioxide
  14. the opening between the vocal cords
  15. clusters of alveoli residing at the termination of alveolar ducts
  16. muscular tube behind the oral and nasal cavities commonly called the throat
  17. the two main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs that serve as passageways for air
  18. upper part of the pharynx extending from the posterior nares to the soft palate
  19. bony structure separating the mouth from the nasal cavity

35 Clues: air sac in the lungsthe opening between the vocal cordscombination of hemoglobin with oxygencombination of hemoglobin with carbon dioxidethe movement of air into and out of the lungsone of the smaller subdivisions of the bronchial tubesamount of air remaining in lungs after force expirationpotential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae...

Respiratory System 2023-02-20

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Residual volume (ml)
  2. B
  3. N
  4. Br
  5. As
  6. Pn
  7. R
  8. Ac
  9. D
  10. TV
  11. TC
  12. A
  1. Ph
  2. Di
  3. S
  4. EV
  5. RV
  6. La
  7. H
  8. L
  9. Vital volume (ml)
  10. P
  11. Po
  12. T
  13. Lu
  14. E

26 Clues: SBNHLRDPTAEPhDiEVRVLaBrAsPnAcTVPoTCLuVital volume (ml)Residual volume (ml)

Respiratory System 2023-03-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Has air sacs that are connected to the circulatory system via capillaries
  2. air enters the lungs; inhale
  3. meausures the amount of air moving in and out of the lungs
  4. bones that divide the nasal cavity
  5. enlargement at the top of the trachea, houses your vocal cords
  6. Form of energy created during cellular respiration
  7. air to blood exchange
  8. space in the lungs for the heart
  9. air leaves the lungs; exhale
  10. Leads to the bronchial tree; windpipe
  1. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords
  2. blood to tissue exchange
  3. spongy tissue that sit within the pleural cavity
  4. Space within the bones that reduce the weight of the skull.
  5. disease where there is an overall lack of oxygen content within the body's tissue and vital human organs
  6. keeps lungs from collapsing; lack of this makes the first breath hard for newborns
  7. tiny air sacs in the bronchioles
  8. Behind the oral cavity, between the nasal cavity and larynx
  9. This flap closes when you swallow, preventing food from going into the airway
  10. the amount of air that can be forced in or out by taking a deep breath
  11. A gas that is exchanged during the process of respiration.

21 Clues: air to blood exchangeblood to tissue exchangeair enters the lungs; inhaleair leaves the lungs; exhaletiny air sacs in the bronchiolesspace in the lungs for the heartbones that divide the nasal cavityLeads to the bronchial tree; windpipepart of the larynx consisting of the vocal cordsspongy tissue that sit within the pleural cavity...

Respiratory System 2023-04-05

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Flaplike structure that prevents food & liquids from entering the trachea
  2. Exhalation
  3. Located between pharynx & trachea
  4. Rings in trachea preventing it from collapsing
  5. Portion of hemoglobin containing iron
  6. Suffocation (lack of oxygen & excess CO2)
  7. Capacity of air that can be exhaled after taking the deepest breath possible
  8. Membrane that warms & moistens air, traps small particles entering nasal cavity
  9. Intercostal muscles between ribs helping to expand the rib cage during forceful inhalation
  10. The trachea splits into right & left ____.
  11. Intercostal muscles between ribs helping to contract the rib cage during forceful expiration
  12. Emergency procedure putting a hole in the trachea so air can get to the lungs
  13. Rapid and deep breathing
  14. Protein in RBC's transporting oxygen & CO2
  15. Secondary bronchi branch off into ______.
  1. Movement of air in & out of the lungs
  2. Air volume in lungs after forceful expiration
  3. Tiny hairs in the nasal cavity that moves mucous & entrapped particles
  4. Inhalation
  5. Muscle under the lungs that contracts to cause the thoracic cavity to expand downward and air to rush into the lungs
  6. Located between nasal cavity & larynx
  7. Device measuring respiratory air volumes
  8. Thin-walled tiny air sacs at the distal ends of the smallest respiratory tubes surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs
  9. The 2 nares (external openings) to nasal cavity

24 Clues: ExhalationInhalationRapid and deep breathingLocated between pharynx & tracheaMovement of air in & out of the lungsPortion of hemoglobin containing ironLocated between nasal cavity & larynxDevice measuring respiratory air volumesSuffocation (lack of oxygen & excess CO2)Secondary bronchi branch off into ______....

Respiratory System 2023-05-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  2. in;within
  3. The airway that leads from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi.
  4. pleura;serous membrane that enfolds the lungs
  5. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes.
  6. process;condition
  7. Surgical creation of an opening in the chest to drain air or fluid.
  8. Machine that delivers artificial respiration for a patient who is unable to breathe effectively on his or her own.
  9. process of measuring
  10. vessel(blood)
  11. pulmonary function test
  1. Inflammation of the epiglottis
  2. Monitoring of a patient during sleep to aid in diagnosing apnea or other sleep disorders.
  3. tissue
  4. Visual examination inside the bronchi using a scope.
  5. A medical doctor (MD) who diagnoses and treats conditions and diseases of the lungs and of the cardiopulmonary system, which comprises the heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
  6. above;above normal; excessive
  7. Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles.
  8. sinus;cavity
  9. A ridge at the base of the trachea (windpipe) that separates the openings of the right and left main bronchi.

20 Clues: tissuein;withinsinus;cavityvessel(blood)process;conditionprocess of measuringpulmonary function testCardiopulmonary resuscitationabove;above normal; excessiveInflammation of the epiglottisTiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles.pleura;serous membrane that enfolds the lungsVisual examination inside the bronchi using a scope....

Respiratory System 2012-11-17

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. muscle/several groups of muscle that run between the ribs, and help form and move the chest wall
  2. a bluish color of the skin or mucus membrane
  3. paroxyshal noctural dyspnea
  4. inflammation of tissue that covers trachea
  5. suspension of external breathing
  6. relieving and preventing the suffering of patients
  7. total or partial collapse of the lung
  8. metered-dose-inhaler
  9. left lower lobe
  1. difficult or labored breathing; shortness of breath
  2. dyspnea on exertion
  3. collection of air or gas in the chest or pleural space that causes part or all of a lung to collapse
  4. shortness of breath
  5. a respiratory ailment in which the sufferer can breath only when standing upright
  6. surgical repair of the nose
  7. spitting up blood or blood tinged sputum from the respiratory tract
  8. muscle separating chest and abdomen
  9. a smaller angular cavity or pit
  10. inflammation of the larynx
  11. a pleural effusion containing blood
  12. very rapid respiration

21 Clues: left lower lobedyspnea on exertionshortness of breathmetered-dose-inhalervery rapid respirationinflammation of the larynxparoxyshal noctural dyspneasurgical repair of the nosea smaller angular cavity or pitsuspension of external breathingmuscle separating chest and abdomena pleural effusion containing bloodtotal or partial collapse of the lung...

Respiratory System 2012-12-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. hairlike structures that help move the mucous layer that lines the airways pushing trapped particles toward the esophagus
  2. facial structure through which air enters
  3. process in which cells use oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide
  4. the process of breathing
  5. voice box
  6. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream
  7. the system in the body that is responsible for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide
  8. (windpipe) a tube extending from the larynx to the center of the chest
  9. the process of breathing in air
  10. smaller bronchi
  11. cavities in the skull that surround the nasal area
  1. a special leaflike piece of cartilage, closes the opening of the larynx during swallowing
  2. the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the tissue cells and the bloodstream
  3. the place where the air from the trachea is carried to the lungs
  4. throat
  5. process in which the diaphragm contract and enlarge so that air can make its way into the alveoli, where the exchange of gases takes place
  6. the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax and air is forced out of the lungs and air passages
  7. tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
  8. organs in the chest that allows the body to take in oxygen
  9. Cavities two hollow spaces in the nose

20 Clues: throatvoice boxsmaller bronchithe process of breathingthe process of breathing in airCavities two hollow spaces in the nosefacial structure through which air enterscavities in the skull that surround the nasal areaorgans in the chest that allows the body to take in oxygenthe place where the air from the trachea is carried to the lungs...

Respiratory System 2013-01-31

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. purified protein derivative of tuberculin
  2. a condition in which fluid accumulates in the lungs
  3. a profuse nosebleed.
  4. a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways
  5. an obstruction of a blood vessel in the lungs
  6. The removal by suction of a fluid from a body cavity using a needle
  7. a collapse of lung tissue affecting part or all of one lung.
  8. infections that are a result of treatment in a hospital or a healthcare service
  9. Inflammation of the pleura, the membrane surrounding the lungs.
  10. surgical puncture and drainage of the thoracic cavity
  11. an infection of the lungs and skin characterized by excessive sputum and nodules
  12. Difficulty in breathing
  1. loss of voice; inability to produce vocal sounds.
  2. a collection of pus in the pleural cavity
  3. hernia of the diaphragm
  4. an infection of the epiglottis, which can lead to severe airway obstruction.
  5. Pain in the chest
  6. inflammation of the larynx and trachea and bronchial passageways
  7. Spasmodic closure of the larynx
  8. an instrument for inspecting the interior of the tracheobronchial tree
  9. The medical term for a nosebleed.
  10. a condition characterized by an absence of oxygen supply to an organ or a tissue
  11. abbreviation for acid-fast bacillus
  12. A term used to describe chronic lung diseases, like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma
  13. a photoelectric device for determining the oxygen saturation of the blood

25 Clues: Pain in the chesta profuse nosebleed.hernia of the diaphragmDifficulty in breathingSpasmodic closure of the larynxThe medical term for a nosebleed.abbreviation for acid-fast bacillusa collection of pus in the pleural cavitypurified protein derivative of tuberculina chronic inflammatory disease of the airways...

Respiratory System 2013-11-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Extends from soft palate to epiglottis of larynx inferiorly
  2. Posterior to epiglottis and extends to larynx; accomodates both ingested food and air
  3. air first passes into the respiratory tract through these
  4. serves only as an air passage; lies above the soft palate
  5. last portion of the nonrespiratory conducting airway, which subdivides into respiratory bronchioles
  6. Type of bronchioles that respirate the alveoli
  7. place where air inhaled through nostrils is filtered and humidified
  8. food passageway posterior to trachea
  9. Flap-like, flexible elastic cartilage located superior to opening of larynx
  1. Also known as the windpipe, air enters this structure from the larynx
  2. The trachea breaks into two of these
  3. arise after primary bronchi with each serving as airway to specific lobe of lung
  4. dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen
  5. Made up of 50% cartilage and 50% smooth muscle
  6. The biological system that introduces respiratory gases to the interior and performs gas exchange
  7. Three pairs of lobelike structures that increase air turbulence
  8. The beginning of the lower respiratory system
  9. Ring-shaped and located inferior to thyroid cartilage
  10. May also be referred to as a male's "Adam's Apple"
  11. Balloonlike expansions that are made up of simple squamous epithelial cells

20 Clues: The trachea breaks into two of thesefood passageway posterior to tracheaThe beginning of the lower respiratory systemMade up of 50% cartilage and 50% smooth muscleType of bronchioles that respirate the alveoliMay also be referred to as a male's "Adam's Apple"Ring-shaped and located inferior to thyroid cartilage...

Respiratory System 2014-04-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Creators of UK asthma guidelines (3)
  2. Division of lung (4)
  3. Barking Cough (5)
  4. Essential measurement in asthma(4,4)
  5. Extra muscles of breathing (9)
  6. Harsh inspiratory sound (6)
  7. Bag Valve …. (4)
  8. Carbon dioxide measurement (11)
  9. Blood in lung (11)
  10. Collapsed Lung (12)
  11. Aerosol for asthma medications (7)
  12. Fleshy flap protecting airway (10)
  13. Mechanical breathing device (10)
  14. Oropharyngeal airway (6)
  15. Common asthma medication (10)
  16. Percentage of oxygen in blood (10)
  17. Proper name for X-Ray image (10)
  18. Where windpipe splits (6)
  19. Top of lung (4)
  20. Infantile self-PEEP (8)
  21. Throat (7)
  22. Gas essential for life (6)
  23. Bones protecting lungs (4)
  1. Left and right main … (7)
  2. Small air sacs (7)
  3. Smallest airways (11)
  4. Infection of lung tissue (9)
  5. Injectable steroid (14)
  6. Anticholinergic bronchodilator(11)
  7. Space between lungs where aorta rests (11)
  8. Difficulty breathing (8)
  9. Fast respiratory rate (10)
  10. Breastbone (7)
  11. Device for listening to body sounds (11)
  12. Bronchodilator Metal (9)
  13. Classic asthma sound (6)
  14. Lung covering (6)
  15. Product of cough (6)
  16. Relating to the lungs (9)
  17. Voicebox (6)
  18. Windpipe (7)
  19. Fluid collection (6)
  20. Sheet of muscle under lungs (9)
  21. Lung pain (8)
  22. Pus in lung (7)
  23. Fleshy pads at back of throat (7)

46 Clues: Throat (7)Voicebox (6)Windpipe (7)Lung pain (8)Breastbone (7)Top of lung (4)Pus in lung (7)Bag Valve …. (4)Barking Cough (5)Lung covering (6)Small air sacs (7)Blood in lung (11)Collapsed Lung (12)Division of lung (4)Product of cough (6)Fluid collection (6)Smallest airways (11)Injectable steroid (14)Infantile self-PEEP (8)Difficulty breathing (8)...

Respiratory System 2014-04-13

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. windpipe
  2. Adam's Apple
  3. Excess CO2 in the blood
  4. Air remaining in the lungs after forceful exhalation
  5. The process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and body cells
  6. Measures volume of air moving in and out of lungs
  7. Movement of air into the lungs
  8. Nose bleeding
  9. Sudden inspiration due to a spasm of the diaphragm
  10. Not enough blood becoming oxygenated
  1. Reduces surface tension in the alveoli
  2. increased breathing for a short time
  3. Amount of air that enters the lungs through one cycle
  4. Clusters of air sacs at the end of the bronchioles
  5. Flaplike structure that allows air to enter larynx and prevents food from entering air passages
  6. Space between the nasal cavity and larynx
  7. Anterior nares
  8. Nose hairs
  9. When the mucus membrane becomes swollen and prevents vocal cords from vibrating freely
  10. Oxygen deficiency

20 Clues: windpipeNose hairsAdam's AppleNose bleedingAnterior naresOxygen deficiencyExcess CO2 in the bloodMovement of air into the lungsincreased breathing for a short timeNot enough blood becoming oxygenatedReduces surface tension in the alveoliSpace between the nasal cavity and larynxMeasures volume of air moving in and out of lungs...

Respiratory System 2014-05-04

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane
  2. This prevents the Trachea from collapsing
  3. Minute hair like organelles that sweep mucus and dirt out of the lungs
  4. End product of respiration (answer contains a hyphen)
  5. The movement of particles down a concentration gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low
  6. Movement of air out of the lungs
  7. Lowers surface tension in the alveoli
  8. Major muscle of respiration
  9. Voice box
  10. Gaseous exchange takes place here
  11. Large leaf shaped piece of elastic cartilage that acts as a trap door when swallowing
  12. Throat
  1. The trachea divides into right and left primary what?
  2. Oxygen is bound to this in red blood cells
  3. Found in the alveoli, these structures remove dust and mice-organisms
  4. The volume of one breath (answer contains a hyphen)
  5. Small muscles of breathing found between each rib
  6. Double layered serous membrane enclosing and protecting each lung
  7. Tubular passageway that extends from the larynx to the superior boarder of the fifth vertebra
  8. To take air into the lungs
  9. These divide the lung into lobes
  10. The percent of oxygen in room air (answer contains a hyphen)

22 Clues: ThroatVoice boxTo take air into the lungsMajor muscle of respirationMovement of air out of the lungsThese divide the lung into lobesGaseous exchange takes place hereLowers surface tension in the alveoliThis prevents the Trachea from collapsingOxygen is bound to this in red blood cellsSmall muscles of breathing found between each rib...

Respiratory System 2014-03-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. 1st stage, the intake of air
  2. Breathing out of air
  3. phase(2nd) of respiration between the blood and the body tissues
  4. Blood Vessel
  5. that leads to the alveoli(no space)
  6. for air and food
  7. sacs
  8. the nasal cavity,filters air
  9. Incomplete rings of______ (trachea)
  10. Acts as a lubricant in the lungs
  1. small tubes(Bronchi)
  2. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the cell and its environment
  3. sure food goes down the esophagus not windpipe)
  4. known for being sleepy, but actually the body's way of releasing carbon dioxide
  5. Tubes that branched out from trachea
  6. to the nasal cavity
  7. of Larynx that can absorb bacteria
  8. Cords
  9. of muscle below chest cavity
  10. 1st phase of respiration;between the atmosphere and blood
  11. A mechanical process that hepls air in and out of the lungs

21 Clues: sacsCordsBlood Vesselfor air and foodto the nasal cavitysmall tubes(Bronchi)Breathing out of air1st stage, the intake of airof muscle below chest cavitythe nasal cavity,filters airActs as a lubricant in the lungsof Larynx that can absorb bacteriathat leads to the alveoli(no space)Incomplete rings of______ (trachea)...

Respiratory System 2014-04-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. tubular passageway that extends from the larynx to the superior boarder of the fifth thoracic vertebra
  2. oxygen is bound to this in red blood cells
  3. The movement of particles down a concentration gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
  4. increases surface area in the nasal cavity
  5. the volume of one breath
  6. voice box
  7. breathing in
  8. trachea is prevented from closing at expiration by
  9. breathing out
  10. large leaf-shaped piece of elastic cartilage that acts as a trap door when swallowing
  11. the percent of oxygen at room air (answer contains a hyphen)
  1. throat
  2. trachea divides into left and right primary ?
  3. date product of respiration (answer contains a hyphen)
  4. double layered serous membrane enclosing and protecting each lung
  5. these divide the lungs into lobes
  6. remove dust particles and other debris from the alveoli
  7. lowers surface tension in the alveoli
  8. small muscles of breathing found between each rib
  9. major muscle of respiration
  10. gaseous exchange take place here
  11. the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane.

22 Clues: throatvoice boxbreathing inbreathing outthe volume of one breathmajor muscle of respirationgaseous exchange take place herethese divide the lungs into lobeslowers surface tension in the alveolioxygen is bound to this in red blood cellsincreases surface area in the nasal cavitytrachea divides into left and right primary ?...

Respiratory System 2015-03-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. tiny holes on the abdomen of insects through which they breathe
  2. vibrations of these result in sound or speech
  3. scientific name for the windpipe
  4. gas that is exhaled by mammals as part of respiration
  5. the back of the throat; connects the mouth with the windpipe
  6. the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach
  7. a flap if tissue that covers the windpipe to keep food and water from entering it
  8. main branches of the respiratory tract leading into the lungs
  9. a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract
  1. plant structure through which a plant "breathes"
  2. the main organ of the respiratory system
  3. that part of the throat that contains the voice box
  4. the life process by which energy is released by cells
  5. the breathing apparatus for fish and tadpoles
  6. of theses result in sound or speech
  7. the act of taking air into the lungs and expelling waste gases from the lungs
  8. the most abundant gas in the air we breathe
  9. the muscle that contracts and relaxes thereby causing one to inhale and exhale
  10. tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbonxdioxide are exchanged
  11. given off as a waste product by green plants; essential for our survival
  12. microscopic hair-like structures in the respiratory tract

21 Clues: scientific name for the windpipeof theses result in sound or speechthe main organ of the respiratory systemthe most abundant gas in the air we breathethe breathing apparatus for fish and tadpolesvibrations of these result in sound or speechplant structure through which a plant "breathes"that part of the throat that contains the voice box...

Respiratory System 2015-03-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach
  2. the breathing apparatus for fish and tadpoles
  3. the act of taking air into the lungs and expelling waste gases from the lungs
  4. plant structure through which a plant "breathes"
  5. main branches of the respiratory tract leading into the lungs
  6. the life process by which energy is released by cells
  7. the back of the throat; connects the mouth with the windpipe
  8. vibrations of these result in sound or speech
  9. a flap if tissue that covers the windpipe to keep food and water from entering it
  10. the muscle that contracts and relaxes thereby causing one to inhale and exhale
  11. microscopic hair-like structures in the respiratory tract
  1. a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract
  2. the main organ of the respiratory system
  3. tiny holes on the abdomen of insects through which they breathe
  4. of theses result in sound or speech
  5. the most abundant gas in the air we breathe
  6. gas that is exhaled by mammals as part of respiration
  7. tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbonxdioxide are exchanged
  8. scientific name for the windpipe
  9. given off as a waste product by green plants; essential for our survival
  10. that part of the throat that contains the voice box

21 Clues: scientific name for the windpipeof theses result in sound or speechthe main organ of the respiratory systemthe most abundant gas in the air we breathethe breathing apparatus for fish and tadpolesvibrations of these result in sound or speechplant structure through which a plant "breathes"a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract...

Respiratory System 2015-03-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. scientific name for the windpipe
  2. the most abundant gas in the air we breathe
  3. microscopic hair-like structures in the respiratory tract
  4. the life process by which energy is released by cells
  5. vibrations of these result in sound or speech
  6. the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach
  7. of theses result in sound or speech
  8. the back of the throat; connects the mouth with the windpipe
  9. a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract
  10. that part of the throat that contains the voice box
  11. the muscle that contracts and relaxes thereby causing one to inhale and exhale
  1. main branch of the respiratory tract leading into the lungs
  2. given off as a waste product by green plants; essential for our survival
  3. gas that is exhaled by mammals as part of respiration
  4. the breathing apparatus for fish and tadpoles
  5. the main organ of the respiratory system
  6. a flap if tissue that covers the windpipe to keep food and water from entering it
  7. the act of taking air into the lungs and expelling waste gases from the lungs
  8. tiny holes on the abdomen of insects through which they breathe
  9. tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbonxdioxide are exchanged
  10. plant structure through which a plant "breathes"

21 Clues: scientific name for the windpipeof theses result in sound or speechthe main organ of the respiratory systemthe most abundant gas in the air we breathethe breathing apparatus for fish and tadpolesvibrations of these result in sound or speechplant structure through which a plant "breathes"a sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract...

Respiratory System 2018-02-05

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The respiratory system works closely with this system
  2. the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
  3. Inflammation of Larynx
  4. Inflammation of Pleura
  5. What cells need to survive
  6. Trachea divides into two ______
  7. Process of breathing
  8. Another name for the common cold
  9. Breathing in air
  10. tube in chest (windpipe)
  11. Cartilage that closes opening to the Larynx
  1. Inflammation of bronchi
  2. Bronchi divide into _______
  3. Respiratory disorder usually due to sensitivity to allergen
  4. Throat
  5. dome-shaped, muscular partition, a major role in breathing
  6. Cell waste
  7. Condition where one stops breathing during sleep
  8. inflammation/infection of lungs characterized by fluid buildup
  9. Main organs in respiratory system
  10. Infectious lung disease caused by bacterium
  11. Someone who studies the lungs
  12. Cavities in the skull around the nasal area
  13. Alveoli are surrounded by this
  14. Breathing out air
  15. Adam's Apple or Voice Box
  16. Each lung is enclosed in this membrane
  17. Walls of Alveoli lose elasticity
  18. tiny air sacs of lungs which allow for gas exchange

29 Clues: ThroatCell wasteBreathing in airBreathing out airProcess of breathingInflammation of LarynxInflammation of PleuraInflammation of bronchitube in chest (windpipe)Adam's Apple or Voice BoxWhat cells need to surviveBronchi divide into _______Someone who studies the lungsAlveoli are surrounded by thisTrachea divides into two ______...

Respiratory System 2018-02-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. thin curved shelves of bone in the sides of the nasal cavity
  2. routes food and air into proper channels
  3. causes constriction and breathing difficulty
  4. increases with exercise, body temperature, disease
  5. lines the inside of the chest wall
  6. passive process
  7. superior portion of the pharynx
  8. volume of air still remaining in the lungs
  9. chamber shared by digestive and respiratory system
  10. guardian of the airways
  11. inferior portion of the pharynx
  12. the amount of air that enters or leaves the lungs
  13. covers the surface of each lung
  14. a major role in breathing
  1. inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest
  2. causes constriction and breathing difficulty
  3. keeps the alveoli from sticking to each other
  4. helps to prevent overinflation of the lungs during forceful breathing
  5. contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs
  6. air becomes trapped, can’t exhale- forced exhalation required
  7. the entrance to the trachea
  8. cords vibrate with expelled air
  9. strengthen and protect airway
  10. splits into right and left bronchi
  11. movement of air in and out of the lungs
  12. support and protect the glottis, the entrance to the trachea
  13. middle portion of the pharynx
  14. support and protect the glottis, the entrance to the trachea

28 Clues: passive processguardian of the airwaysa major role in breathingthe entrance to the tracheastrengthen and protect airwaymiddle portion of the pharynxcords vibrate with expelled airsuperior portion of the pharynxinferior portion of the pharynxcovers the surface of each lungsplits into right and left bronchilines the inside of the chest wall...

Respiratory System 2018-12-15

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. respiratory tract it includes the nose and nasal passages, paranasal sinuses, the pharynx, and the portion of the larynx above the vocal folds
  2. it is the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs
  3. it is also known as the oral cavity
  4. cartilage it lies below the thyroid cartilage and marks the lower portion of the larynx
  5. it is where the food and the air passes through
  6. are any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange
  7. it is the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach; the gullet. In humans and other vertebrates it is a muscular tube lined with mucous membrane
  8. it is also known as the windpipe
  9. it is the lower floor of the pharynx
  10. ventilation is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange
  11. are the air passages into the lungs that begin at the end of the trachea
  12. it is a thing, leaf- shaped structure at the superior border of the larynx
  13. it is the middle floor of the pharynx connects anteriorly to the mouth
  14. respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood in capillaries and the tissues of the body
  15. respiration is the exchange of gases between the air filling the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries surrounding the walls of the alveoli
  1. it is the process of breathing
  2. cartilage is actually two tiny conical nodules
  3. it holds an open the anterior end of the larynx and protects the vocal chords
  4. of respiration are those muscles that contribute to inhalation and exhalation, by aiding in the expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity
  5. it protects the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract, filtering out dust and other particles that enter the nose with the breathed air
  6. it is located above the soft palate
  7. it is also known as the voice box
  8. it acts as the functional unit of the respiratory system by passing oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body
  9. it is the action or process of exhaling
  10. it is the action or process of inhaling
  11. it is also known as the throat
  12. it forms the main external opening for the respiratory system and are the first section of the body’s airway
  13. cartilage is a pair of little triangle-shaped cartilages
  14. respiratory tract it includes the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs — compare upper respiratory tract.

29 Clues: it is the process of breathingit is also known as the throatit is also known as the windpipeit is also known as the voice boxit is also known as the oral cavityit is located above the soft palateit is the lower floor of the pharynxit is the action or process of exhalingit is the action or process of inhaling...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Where cellular respiration occurs
  2. Known as the vocal cords
  3. Number of lobes of the right lung
  4. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  5. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  6. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  7. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  8. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  9. Process of gas exchange
  1. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  2. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  3. Number of lobes of the left lung
  4. Air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  5. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  6. Another name for whooping cough
  7. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  8. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  9. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  10. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  11. ________ cavity behind the nose

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsAnother name for whooping coughFluid that lubricated the lungs________ cavity behind the noseNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseWhere cellular respiration occursBody cavity which holds the lungsNumber of lobes of the right lungInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  2. Number of lobes of the left lung
  3. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  4. Process of gas exchange
  5. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  6. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  7. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  8. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  9. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  10. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  1. Another name for whooping cough
  2. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  3. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  4. Known as the vocal cords
  5. Number of lobes of the right lung
  6. ________ cavity behind the nose
  7. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  8. Where cellular respiration occurs
  9. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  10. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsAnother name for whooping cough________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseBody cavity which holds the lungsNumber of lobes of the right lungWhere cellular respiration occursInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-03-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. where the lungs and blood exchange oxygen and oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of respiration
  2. Inflammation of bronchi and bronchial tubes
  3. exhalation
  4. a thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest.
  5. the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal.
  6. the projection in the center of the face
  7. with oxygen
  8. cartilage between nasal cavities
  9. bronchospasms narrow the openings of the bronchioles
  10. Highly contagious viral infection
  11. a serous membrane that covers the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity
  12. network of organs and tissues that help you breathe
  13. a leaflike piece of cartilage that prevents food from entering the airways
  14. exhalation
  15. without oxygen
  16. small hairlike structures that line the nasal cavity
  17. any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways
  18. inflammation of nasal mucous membranes
  19. moving of air
  1. the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the external environment.
  2. inflammation of membranes of the lungs
  3. the region between the abdomen inferiorly and the root of the neck superiorly.
  4. cavity or air spaces in a bone
  5. Walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity
  6. process of breathing
  7. inflammation of the voice box and vocal cords
  8. Inflammation of mucous membrane lining sinuses
  9. a nosebleed
  10. infectious lung disease caused by bacteria
  11. having to do with lungs
  12. carry air to small sacs in your lungs called alveoli
  13. the large air passages that lead from the trachea to the lungs

32 Clues: exhalationexhalationwith oxygena nosebleedmoving of airwithout oxygenprocess of breathinghaving to do with lungscavity or air spaces in a bonecartilage between nasal cavitiesHighly contagious viral infectioninflammation of membranes of the lungsinflammation of nasal mucous membranesthe projection in the center of the face...

Respiratory System 2022-05-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. muscular tube posterior to nasal and oral cavities (swallowing refelexes)
  2. muscle that helps with respiration by contraction when inhaling
  3. skeletal structure that protects the heart and lungs
  4. lubricates the pleural surface and makes it easy for them to slide over each other during lung inflation and deflation
  5. protected by rib cage, pleural membrane, and serous fluid
  6. the sum of two or more volumes (lung capacity)
  7. tiny air sacs made of simple squamous tissue where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occurs
  8. mucous membranes with epithelial tissue with goblet cells that produce mucous to trap bacteria and debris
  9. this structure blocks dust and debris from entering
  10. speaking and air passages
  11. smallest branches of the 'bronchial tree' inside the lungs; lacks cartilage support
  12. constriction of bronchioles , usually caused by allergens
  13. opening of the larynx
  14. destroy pathogens that did not get caught by mucous
  15. warms and humidifies air that is breathed in
  1. frequent in newborns who have not produced the surfactant that reduces the surface tension of the fluid in the lungs
  2. total air lungs can hold
  3. structural features that supports the trachea to keep it open for air passage
  4. inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs
  5. membrane that surrounds heart
  6. covers the inside surface of the rib cage and spreads over the lungs as well
  7. flap on top of larynx that folds down to prevent food and liquid entry
  8. thin folds of tissue that are pulled over the glottis and vibrate during speech
  9. amount of air in one breath
  10. air that remains in the lungs after the most forceful exhale
  11. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness

26 Clues: opening of the larynxtotal air lungs can holdspeaking and air passagesamount of air in one breathmembrane that surrounds heartwarms and humidifies air that is breathed inthe sum of two or more volumes (lung capacity)this structure blocks dust and debris from enteringdestroy pathogens that did not get caught by mucous...

respiratory system 2022-05-11

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. divisions of the trachea that lead into the left and right lungs.
  2. roof of the mouth formed by the fusion of the 2 maxillae bones.
  3. the muscular tube extending from the posterior of the nasal cavities to the esophagus.
  4. air enters the nose by passing through the...
  5. lymphoid tissue aggregates situated near the entrance of the digestive and respiratory tracks.
  6. the volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs by forcible expiration after the deepest inspiration.
  7. any portion or wall separating 1 area from another.
  8. the wind pipe; the respiratory tube extending from the larynx to the bronchi
  9. the opening between the vocal cords in the larynx.
  10. the only external organ of the respiratory system.
  11. the elastic cartilage at the back of the throat; covers the glottis during swallowing.
  12. the interior of the nose or the structure which opens exteriorly at the nostrils.
  13. form the walls of the nasal cavity that increase air turbulence and the surface area of mucous membrane exposed to the air to aid in warming and moistening.
  14. spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
  1. portion of the roof of the mouth that is not supported by bone.
  2. the production of abnormally thick mucus, leading to the blockage of the pancreatic ducts, intestines, and bronchi.
  3. failure of bones forming the palate to fuse medially.
  4. organs of the respiratory system responsible for air exchange with the outside and gas exchange with the blood.
  5. a group of lung diseases that make it hard to breathe.
  6. amount of air inhaled or exhaled with normal breath.
  7. the smallest conducting passages in the lungs.
  8. air remaining in the lungs after exhalation that cannot be voluntarily exhaled.
  9. the process of supplying the body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
  10. tonsils become inflamed and swollen.
  11. the cartilaginous organ located between the trachea and the pharynx.

25 Clues: tonsils become inflamed and swollen.air enters the nose by passing through the...the smallest conducting passages in the lungs.the opening between the vocal cords in the larynx.the only external organ of the respiratory system.amount of air inhaled or exhaled with normal breath.any portion or wall separating 1 area from another....

Respiratory System 2022-05-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone.
  2. condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
  3. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords
  4. Actual site of gas exchange.
  5. Conductors to the nasal cavity.
  6. located below the lungs, is the major muscle of respiration
  7. division between upper an lower respiratory system.
  8. Also known as the windpipe, air travels down the nose, through your larynx, and down your windpipe.
  9. The ducts that lead to the alveoli.
  1. the membrane-lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus
  2. pair of soft tissue masses located at the rear of the throat (pharynx).
  3. Pleural layer covering the lungs
  4. smallest conducting respiratory passageways.
  5. two large tubes that carry air from your windpipe to your lungs.
  6. Infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid.
  7. condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.
  8. system in charge of gas exchange between pulmonary blood and external environment
  9. Purpose of mucose.
  10. main organ in the respiratory system.
  11. Pleural layer covering the thorax walls
  12. Separates oral and nasal cavities

21 Clues: Purpose of mucose.Actual site of gas exchange.Conductors to the nasal cavity.Pleural layer covering the lungsSeparates oral and nasal cavitiesThe ducts that lead to the alveoli.main organ in the respiratory system.Pleural layer covering the thorax wallssmallest conducting respiratory passageways.division between upper an lower respiratory system....


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe.
  2. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
  3. An immune system response to substances like pollen or dust that can trigger respiratory symptoms.
  4. A muscle critical for breathing that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.
  5. cancer A disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lungs.
  6. A lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust, often seen in miners or construction workers.
  7. Inflammation of the small airways, often seen in infants and young children.
  8. The throat, connecting the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx.
  9. Tiny air sacs where gas exchange takes place in the lungs.
  10. Inhaling foreign substances into the airways.
  11. The windpipe, which connects the larynx to the bronchi.
  1. Swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid.
  2. An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  3. Tiny hair-like structures that help move mucus and trapped particles out of the respiratory tract.
  4. A chronic respiratory condition characterized by airway inflammation and bronchoconstriction.
  5. The voice box, part of the upper respiratory tract.
  6. An inflammatory lung condition often caused by infections.
  7. Underdevelopment of an organ or tissue.
  8. Abnormal enlargement of air spaces in the lungs.
  9. Condition where lung tissue becomes scarred and stiff.

20 Clues: Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.Underdevelopment of an organ or tissue.Swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid.Inhaling foreign substances into the airways.Abnormal enlargement of air spaces in the lungs.The voice box, part of the upper respiratory tract.Condition where lung tissue becomes scarred and stiff....

Respiratory System 2023-09-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart.
  2. Method by which the gas exchange occurs.
  3. Aka "Voicebox" Conncects the larynx to the bronchi and transports air.
  4. Aka "the throat" is an air passageway and also used for swallowing food.
  5. Sticky lubricating substance that helps moisten and protect your respiratory system
  6. small air-like sacs where gas exchange occurs
  7. Common respiratory of airway narrowing/inflammation.
  8. ___ Dioxide is the gas humans exhale as a biproduct of respiration.
  9. The ___ Cavity sit right behind your nose and helps moisten air you breathe
  10. Gas humans need to intake for muscle function and basic survival.
  11. These inside your nose help filter out dust/debris.
  12. Muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that's expansion and contraction enables breathing
  13. Your right lung is divided into 3 of the but your right lung only into 2/
  14. The smaller branch-like air passages inside your lungs.
  1. 2 tubes that connect your trachea to each lung
  2. Respiratory condition when air-sacs fill up with fluid.
  3. Flap in your throat that keeps food/solids out of your trachea
  4. Blood vessels that wall the alveoli
  5. Fastest way for your body to intake the largest amount of air.
  6. Aka "The windpipe"
  7. 1 of 2 entrances/exits for air in your nose.
  8. Largest organ in the respiratory system (You have 2 of them)

22 Clues: Aka "The windpipe"Blood vessels that wall the alveoliMethod by which the gas exchange occurs.1 of 2 entrances/exits for air in your nose.small air-like sacs where gas exchange occurs2 tubes that connect your trachea to each lungThese inside your nose help filter out dust/debris.Common respiratory of airway narrowing/inflammation....

Respiratory System 2023-09-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. A leukotriene antagonist used mild to moderate chronic persistent asthma
  2. An inhaled glucocorticoid used in chronic persistent asthma
  3. An expectorant with cholinergic action and reducing surface tension of bronchial sputum
  4. A peripherally acting cough suppressant related to lignocaine
  5. A short acting beta agonist used in acute attack of bronchial asthma
  6. A centrally acting cough suppressant
  7. A type of rhinitis caused by over-use of topical nasal decongestants
  8. A rare complication of leukotriene antagonists
  9. An IgE antibody used in bronchial asthma
  10. A slow release preparation of theophylline used as an adjunct to prevent nocturnal attacks of asthma
  11. A phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor used in COPD
  1. A parenteral glucocorticoid used in severe acute asthma
  2. A 5-LOX inhibitor used in preventing attacks of asthma
  3. An H1 blocker having PAF antagonist action
  4. A mucokinetic derived from adhathoda vasaca
  5. Mucolytic with antioxidant and anxiolytic properties
  6. A longer acting anticholinergic used in bronchial asthma
  7. A mast cell stabilizer used to prevent asthma attacks
  8. An oral formulation used as pharyngeal demulcent
  9. A machine used for drug delivery in asthma patients in hospitals

20 Clues: A centrally acting cough suppressantAn IgE antibody used in bronchial asthmaAn H1 blocker having PAF antagonist actionA mucokinetic derived from adhathoda vasacaA phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor used in COPDA rare complication of leukotriene antagonistsAn oral formulation used as pharyngeal demulcent...

Respiratory System 2023-10-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. An inhaled glucocorticoid used in chronic persistent asthma
  2. A leukotriene antagonist used mild to moderate chronic persistent asthma
  3. A short acting beta agonist used in acute attack of bronchial asthma
  4. An H1 blocker having PAF antagonist action
  5. A rare complication of leukotriene antagonists
  6. A 5-LOX inhibitor used in preventing attacks of asthma
  7. Mucolytic with antioxidant and anxiolytic properties
  8. A type of rhinitis caused by over-use of topical nasal decongestants
  9. A longer acting anticholinergic used in bronchial asthma
  1. A centrally acting cough suppressant
  2. A mast cell stabilizer used to prevent asthma attacks
  3. A parenteral glucocorticoid used in severe acute asthma
  4. An IgE antibody used in bronchial asthma
  5. An expectorant with cholinergic action and reducing surface tension of bronchial sputum
  6. A slow release preparation of theophylline used as an adjunct to prevent nocturnal attacks of asthma
  7. A phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor used in COPD
  8. A mucokinetic derived from adhathoda vasaca
  9. An oral formulation used as pharyngeal demulcent
  10. A peripherally acting cough suppressant related to lignocaine
  11. A machine used for drug delivery in asthma patients in hospitals

20 Clues: A centrally acting cough suppressantAn IgE antibody used in bronchial asthmaAn H1 blocker having PAF antagonist actionA mucokinetic derived from adhathoda vasacaA phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor used in COPDA rare complication of leukotriene antagonistsAn oral formulation used as pharyngeal demulcent...

Respiratory System 2024-05-21

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. membrane stuck to the thoracic cavity wall
  2. protects trachea from entry of food and liquid
  3. make sound
  4. susceptible to antibiotics
  5. small division of bronchi inside the lungs
  6. prevented by vaccination
  7. taking in oxygen from the environment & releasing carbon dioxide
  8. rolls of tissue that increase surface area inside the nose
  9. diaphragm flexes downward causing air to fill the lungs
  10. gases move through the respiratory system by __________
  11. tubes where trachea divides to go to each lung
  12. contain bronchioles and alveoli; spongy tissue
  1. hard tube that carries air to the lungs
  2. fluid between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura membranes
  3. tiny hair-like structures that whip particles out of the respiratory tract
  4. small bubbles that exchange gases with the blood
  5. moisturizes inhaled air & traps invaders
  6. pre-activates the immune system so that the body can fight the real invader faster
  7. membrane stuck to the lungs
  8. cartlidge that protects the vocal cords
  9. muscle responsible for inhalation & exhalation
  10. diaphragm relaxes upward pushing air out of the lungs
  11. caused by many different viruses, mutates rapidly
  12. back of throat where nose joins mouth
  13. warms and filters inhaled air

25 Clues: make soundprevented by vaccinationsusceptible to antibioticsmembrane stuck to the lungswarms and filters inhaled airback of throat where nose joins mouthhard tube that carries air to the lungscartlidge that protects the vocal cordsmoisturizes inhaled air & traps invadersmembrane stuck to the thoracic cavity wall...

Respiratory System 2024-11-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. A surgical procedure to reshape the nose.
  3. The process of breathing out air.
  4. System, The organ system responsible for gas exchange in the body.
  5. The windpipe, a tube that carries air from the larynx to the lungs.
  6. A soft tissue hanging from the soft palate that helps prevent food from entering the nasal cavity.
  7. Flying mammal
  8. The process of breathing in air.
  9. A sticky substance that traps debris and pathogens in the respiratory system.
  10. Man's bes
  1. The upper part of the pharynx, located behind the nasal cavity.
  2. The primary organs of respiration, responsible for gas exchange.
  3. A flap of cartilage that covers the opening of the larynx during swallowing.
  4. Vestibuli, The fold between the vestibular folds in the larynx.t friend
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. Has a trunk
  7. exchange, The process of oxygen entering the blood and carbon dioxide leaving the blood in the lungs.
  8. Cartilage, A ring-shaped cartilage that forms the lower part of the larynx.
  9. The external part of the respiratory system responsible for breathing, smelling, and filtering air.
  10. recoil, The tendency of the lungs to decrease in size after inspiration.

20 Clues: Man's besHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialLikes to chase miceThe process of breathing in air.The process of breathing out air.A surgical procedure to reshape the nose.The upper part of the pharynx, located behind the nasal cavity.The primary organs of respiration, responsible for gas exchange....

Respiratory System 2025-02-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. excessive discharge of mucus from the bronchi
  2. condition where the body has abnormally high levels of CO2 in the blood
  3. inflammation of the pharynx
  4. Term for a physician that specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the respiratory system
  5. sudden closure of the larynx
  6. absence of oxygen from the body's tissues
  7. absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily function
  8. normal breathing
  9. genetic disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system
  10. medical procedure that involves removing fluid from the pleural space
  11. describes fibrosis of the lung tissues caused by dust in the lungs
  12. term for an infectious disease that occurs most commonly in individuals whose immune systems are weakened by another condition
  13. periods of not breathing
  14. abnormally low rate of respiration
  15. surgical removal of all or part of a lung
  16. caused by asbestos particles in the lungs
  17. condition where the body does not receive enough oxygen
  18. cheyne-stokes respiration is a pattern of alternating periods of hypopnoea and what other type of breathing?
  1. method for administering medication by pumping air through a liquid medication to turn it into a vapor
  2. emergency procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway below the blockage
  3. medical term for when your skin, lips or nails turn blue due to lack of oxygen
  4. region of the chest contains the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, and thymus
  5. loss of the ability of the larynx to produce normal speech sounds
  6. voice impairment, including hoarseness, weakness, or loss of voice
  7. aka "wet lung"- excess fluid in the lungs
  8. surgical incision into the chest wall to open the pleural cavity for biopsy or treatment
  9. contraction of the smooth muscles in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles
  10. abnormally high rate of respiration
  11. whooping cough
  12. complete or partial collapse of a lung or a section of a lung
  13. inflammation of the sinuses
  14. sudden narrowing of the airways (bronchi) in the lungs
  15. inflammation of the larynx
  16. complete lack of oxygen in the body's tissues or organs
  17. difficulty of labored breathing
  18. accumulation of pus in the pleural or other body cavity

36 Clues: whooping coughnormal breathingperiods of not breathinginflammation of the larynxinflammation of the pharynxinflammation of the sinusessudden closure of the larynxdifficulty of labored breathingabnormally low rate of respirationabnormally high rate of respirationaka "wet lung"- excess fluid in the lungsabsence of oxygen from the body's tissues...

Respiratory system 2024-11-29

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Contraction causes the ribs to lift, causing the chest to expand, and the lungs in the chest to expand.
  2. It is a single circuit in which arteries carry less oxygen than veins.
  3. It is the terminal part of the respiratory system, where respiration occurs by the lungs. It is an area where oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are exchanged between the air and blood.
  4. The tissue that covers the inside of the chest wall.
  5. It is a cell that functions to remove small foreign objects that enter the alveoli by eating dead cells.
  6. Introduction of oxygen gas into the body
  7. It is a single thin bone in the lower center that divides the nasal cavity into two sides, left and right.
  8. Removing carbon dioxide from the body
  9. The smallest branch of the pulmonary peduncle, with alveoli at the apex and spaces formed by the joining of several alveoli.
  10. Branches of the bronchus
  11. Nerves responsible for smell.
  12. It is an organ in the thoracic cavity, located on the right side of the heart.
  13. It is a very suitable structure for rapid gas exchange.
  14. Holes are the passageways for air to enter and exit.
  15. The air space in the skull that surrounds the nasal cavities.
  16. It is an organ in the thoracic cavity, located on the left side of the heart.
  17. It is a cavity through which air or gas can pass.
  18. Taking air into the body for gas exchange.
  19. The trachea is a C-shaped cartilage projection.
  20. It is an artery that carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.
  21. It is a large vein that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
  22. The internal organs of the throat are the joints of the digestive and respiratory systems, starting from behind the nasal cavity, behind the mouth, down to behind the larynx.
  23. It is a ridge of cartilage at the base of the trachea that separates the openings of the left and right main bronchi.
  24. It is a chest muscle that helps in the expansion of the ribs when breathing in.
  25. It is a membrane covering the outside of the chest wall.
  26. The right lung lobe is the medial portion.
  27. It is the part of the respiratory tract that extends from the trachea, which branches into a right-sided branch.
  28. It functions to control both inhalation and exhalation.
  1. It is part of the respiratory tract and is classified as the lower respiratory tract. Its function is to carry air to the lungs.
  2. The lower lobe of each lung is the lowest part.
  3. A thin layer of tissue that surrounds all lung tissue and protects the lungs.
  4. The inner lateral core muscles assist the diaphragm in exhalation.
  5. Muscles that increase the volume of the thoracic cavity.
  6. It is the innermost muscle that maintains pressure within the abdominal cavity.
  7. It is a name for cavities that function as taste receptors, aid in digestion, and aid in breathing.
  8. Is a paired superficial muscle in the anterior portion of the neck.
  9. The superior lobes of each lung are the uppermost pieces
  10. The space between the pleura.
  11. Small tubes that branch off from the trachea and branch out throughout the lungs. Their function is to transport air.
  12. It is part of the airway that extends from the trachea, branching into a branch on the left side.
  13. It is a muscle that acts like a parachute separating the chest and abdomen.
  14. The bronchi are conducting passages for air into the lungs.
  15. A type of bone in the body, located in the chest or upper abdomen.
  16. Very small, short, hair-like structures protruding from the cytoplasm of cells.
  17. It is an organ used for breathing.
  18. It is an organ located below the throat.
  19. This muscle helps in the breathing process when moving.
  20. any of usually three deeply situated muscles on each side of the neck of which each extends from the transverse processes of two or more cervical vertebrae to the first or second rib
  21. The anterior nasal cavity is covered with skin, while the rest of the nasal cavity is covered with respiratory mucosa.
  22. It is the part of the trachea that branches into left and right branches that enter the lungs.

50 Clues: Branches of the bronchusThe space between the pleura.Nerves responsible for smell.It is an organ used for breathing.Removing carbon dioxide from the bodyIntroduction of oxygen gas into the bodyIt is an organ located below the throat.Taking air into the body for gas exchange.The right lung lobe is the medial portion....

Respiratory System 2025-02-17

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. __________ is a temporary stop in breathing
  2. HB-CO2 is known as
  3. the volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal exhalation
  4. __________ cells secrete surfactant
  5. __________ involves blood flow to the lungs
  6. What is the windpipe known as?
  7. the __________ bone is at the top of the larynx and also attached to the tongue
  8. number of lobes for right lung
  9. law that states that each gas in a mixture exerts its own pressure
  10. What is the large muscle separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and helps with breathing?
  11. the pO2 would be highest in __________ veins
  12. when you inhale the pressure in your lungs __________
  13. __________ involves movement of air in and out of the lungs
  14. Intrapleural pressure must remain __________ to atmospheric pressure or lung collapse can occur.
  15. number of lobes for left lung
  16. __________ is partial or total lung collapse
  17. when you inhale the volume of your lungs __________
  18. the ion "shifted" during internal and external respiration
  1. this gas is highest in atmospheric air
  2. What is the flap the covers the glottis during swallowing of food?
  3. the volume of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal inhalation
  4. __________ cartilage contains the Adam's apple
  5. air in the pleural cavity is known as __________
  6. __________ respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between body tissues and blood
  7. __________ pressure is always 760mmHg at sea level
  8. the trachea bifurcates at the __________
  9. a major nerve controlling respiration
  10. What are the tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs?
  11. __________ respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood
  12. __________ is normal breathing

30 Clues: HB-CO2 is known asnumber of lobes for left lungWhat is the windpipe known as?number of lobes for right lung__________ is normal breathing__________ cells secrete surfactanta major nerve controlling respirationthis gas is highest in atmospheric airthe trachea bifurcates at the ____________________ is a temporary stop in breathing...

Muscle Systems 2020-10-27

Muscle Systems crossword puzzle
  1. three types (visceral, cardiac, skeletal)
  2. body needs oxygen to sustain itself
  3. the bone that the muscle moves acts as a...
  4. part of the respiratory system allows oxygen to be taken in and carbon dioxide out
  5. also known as the circulatory system
  6. Collection of nerves and neurons
  7. lies at the center of the circulatory system
  8. (pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs) are parts of the respiratory system
  9. heat controlled by the muscular system
  10. nervous system (sensory neurons)
  1. makes up 30%-40% adults body mass
  2. nervous system (brain, spinal chord, nerves)
  3. the system responsible for carrying oxygen and blood through the body
  4. the system includes for all bones and joints
  5. system involved with breathing
  6. composed of 22 bones
  7. nerves that connect the brains to other parts of the head
  8. the system responsible for movement
  9. muscles responsible for posture have the greatest endurance
  10. (lungs, arteries, veins and portal vessels) are parts of the circulatory system

20 Clues: composed of 22 bonessystem involved with breathingCollection of nerves and neuronsnervous system (sensory neurons)makes up 30%-40% adults body massbody needs oxygen to sustain itselfthe system responsible for movementalso known as the circulatory systemheat controlled by the muscular systemthree types (visceral, cardiac, skeletal)...

hehehhw 2024-11-03

hehehhw crossword puzzle
  1. Clue: "Membrane surrounding each lung."
  2. Clue: "Muscle that contracts to allow inhalation."
  3. Clue: "Windpipe that connects the throat to the lungs."
  4. Clue: "Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs."
  5. Clue: "Primary entry point for air in the respiratory system."
  6. Muscles Clue: "Muscles between the ribs that assist with breathing."
  7. Clue: "Main organs of the respiratory system that fill with air."
  8. Clue: "To breathe out."
  9. Clue: "Gas essential for cellular respiration."
  1. Clue: "Throat passage that leads to both respiratory and digestive tracts."
  2. Clue: "Relating to the lungs."
  3. Clue: "Tiny hair-like structures that filter dust in the airways."
  4. Clue: "Flap that prevents food from entering the windpipe."
  5. Dioxide Clue: "Waste gas expelled by the respiratory system."
  6. Clue: "Smaller airways that branch off from the bronchi."
  7. Clue: "Sticky substance that traps particles in the respiratory system."
  8. Clue: "To breathe in."
  9. Clue: "Process of breathing and cellular gas exchange."
  10. Clue: "Voice box located above the trachea."
  11. Clue: "Two large tubes branching from the trachea into each lung."

20 Clues: Clue: "To breathe in."Clue: "To breathe out."Clue: "Relating to the lungs."Clue: "Membrane surrounding each lung."Clue: "Voice box located above the trachea."Clue: "Gas essential for cellular respiration."Clue: "Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs."Clue: "Muscle that contracts to allow inhalation."...

Respiratory System 2016-08-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The accumulation of this causes muscle fatigue
  2. The bacteria which causes tuberculosis
  3. The structure which ends in air sacs.
  4. Structure which provides protection to the lungs
  5. The muscular separation between thoracic and abdominal cavity
  6. ATP is also called as_________ of the cell
  7. The inflammation of the pharynx
  8. Condition caused during drowning
  9. The muscles present between the ribs
  10. The site of diffusion
  1. The respiratory pigment
  2. The respiratory centre in the brain
  3. The blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart.
  4. The structure which contains vocal cords
  5. Structure supported by cartilaginous rings
  6. The product of glycolysis
  7. Anaerobic respiration in yeast
  8. Volume of air present in respiratory passages
  9. The process of inspiration and expiration
  10. The respiratory substrate

20 Clues: The site of diffusionThe respiratory pigmentThe product of glycolysisThe respiratory substrateAnaerobic respiration in yeastThe inflammation of the pharynxCondition caused during drowningThe respiratory centre in the brainThe muscles present between the ribsThe structure which ends in air sacs.The bacteria which causes tuberculosis...

Respiratory system 2015-10-02

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. External respiration is also known as '... gas exchange'
  2. With chemical symbol 'C'
  3. Network of blood vessels around alveoli
  4. Protects larynx from food getting into it
  5. Process of breathing in and out
  6. Main left and right ...
  7. Begining of the air passageway
  8. Consists of nasopharynx and oropharynx
  9. Anatomical space where air doesn't take part in gas exchange
  10. Superior and inferior in left lung
  11. Internal respiration is also known as '... gas exchange'
  12. Volume of air breathed in during quiet breathing
  1. Dome-shaped muscle aiding breathing
  2. Transports O2 in RBC
  3. Process of passive transport in alveoli
  4. Receptors detecting changes in CO2 and O2 in blood
  5. Gas exchange takes place there
  6. Contains voice box
  7. With chemical symbol 'O'
  8. Consists of 'C' shaped cartilage

20 Clues: Contains voice boxTransports O2 in RBCMain left and right ...With chemical symbol 'C'With chemical symbol 'O'Gas exchange takes place thereBegining of the air passagewayProcess of breathing in and outConsists of 'C' shaped cartilageSuperior and inferior in left lungDome-shaped muscle aiding breathingConsists of nasopharynx and oropharynx...

Respiratory System 2018-02-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. a respiratory disorder usually caused by a sensitivity to an allergen such as dust or pollen
  2. the upper portion of the pharynx located behind the nasal cavities
  3. when we breathe in
  4. a nosebleed
  5. the middle section of the pharynx located behind the oral cavity
  6. the divisions of the bronchi and the alveoli are found in organs called _______.
  7. inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords
  8. Keeps food from entering the trachea.
  9. cavities the name of the hollow spaces that are divided by the nasal septum
  10. an inflammation or infection of the lungs characterized by a buildup of fluid in the alveoli
  11. grape-like structures at which the bronchioles end
  12. __________ membranes line the lungs and thoracic cavity.
  13. respiration the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the bloodstream
  1. The voice box.
  2. The trachea branches off into two ___________.
  3. a noninfectious, chronic respiratory condition that occurs when the walls of the alveoli deteriorate & loose their elasticity
  4. inflammation of the bronchi and bronchial tubes
  5. an acronym used to describe any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways
  6. the bottom section of the pharynx
  7. The throat.
  8. cavities in the skull that surround the nasal cavity
  9. a name for the openings of the nose
  10. another name for the openings of the nose
  11. When we breathe out.
  12. dioxide the waste product of your cells
  13. respiration the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the tissue cells and the bloodstream
  14. tiny hair-like structures that filter inhaled air
  15. highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory system
  16. The windpipe

29 Clues: The throat.a nosebleedThe windpipeThe voice box.when we breathe inWhen we breathe out.the bottom section of the pharynxa name for the openings of the noseKeeps food from entering the trachea.dioxide the waste product of your cellsanother name for the openings of the noseinflammation of the larynx and vocal cords...

Respiratory System 2018-02-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. When we breathe out.
  2. the upper portion of the pharynx located behind the nasal cavities
  3. respiration the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the bloodstream
  4. when we breathe in
  5. inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords
  6. tiny hair-like structures that filter inhaled air
  7. Keeps food from entering the trachea.
  8. dioxide the waste product of your cells
  9. an inflammation of the nasal mucus membrane
  10. a respiratory disorder usually caused by a sensitivity to an allergen such as dust or pollen
  11. a nosebleed
  12. an acronym used to describe any chronic lung disease that results in obstruction of the airways
  13. the middle section of the pharynx located behind the oral cavity
  14. grape-like structures at which the bronchioles end
  15. __________ membranes line the lungs and thoracic cavity.
  16. The throat.
  1. inflammation of the bronchi and bronchial tubes
  2. cavities in the skull that surround the nasal cavity
  3. highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory system
  4. septum the wall of cartilage which dived the nose into two hollow spaces
  5. respiration the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the tissue cells and the bloodstream
  6. the bottom section of the pharynx
  7. another name for the openings of the nose
  8. an inflammation or infection of the lungs characterized by a buildup of fluid in the alveoli
  9. a name for the openings of the nose
  10. the divisions of the bronchi and the alveoli are found in organs called _______.
  11. The windpipe
  12. a noninfectious, chronic respiratory condition that occurs when the walls of the alveoli deteriorate & loose their elasticity
  13. The trachea branches off into two ___________.
  14. The voice box.

30 Clues: a nosebleedThe throat.The windpipeThe voice box.when we breathe inWhen we breathe out.the bottom section of the pharynxa name for the openings of the noseKeeps food from entering the trachea.dioxide the waste product of your cellsanother name for the openings of the noseinflammation of the larynx and vocal cords...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. cartilage:provide connectivity for different ligaments, cartilages, and muscles, which facilitate the opening and shutting of the air passage and the production of sound.
  2. of small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells
  3. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the slitlike opening between them. It affects voice modulation through expansion or contraction.
  4. cartilage:forms the Adam's apple, is the largest and uppermost of nine cartilages within the larynx, or voice box.
  5. in the lungs which branch off from the larger bronchi that enter each lung, from the large and singular trachea which connects to the mouth.
  6. cords:small bands of muscle within the larynx. These muscles vibrate to produce the voice. The vocal cords form a "V" inside the larynx, a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck:
  7. of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
  8. pleura:the outer membrane which is attached to the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
  9. two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.
  10. throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth & nose to the esophagus & pharynx
  11. part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavity
  12. volume:the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible.
  13. process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
  14. flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
  1. pleura:the delicate serous membrane that covers the surface of each lung (the lung parenchyma) and dips into the fissures between the lobes.
  2. be found between the hyoid bone and the larynx and esophagus, which helps guide food and air where to go.
  3. sheet of muscle and tendon that serves as the main muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process.
  4. flows into the lungs.
  5. called voice box, a hollow, tubular structure connected to the top of the windpipe (trachea)
  6. upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
  7. sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
  8. air gases exit the lungs
  9. warm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.
  10. A fluid secreted by Type II cells that contains phospholipids and lipoproteins.

24 Clues: flows into the lungs.air gases exit the lungswarm and moisturize air as it flows through the nose.two thin layers of tissue that protect and cushion the lungs.part of the throat at the back of the mouth behind the oral cavityof small, branching tubes that carry oxygen to individual body cells...

Respiratory System 2018-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream.
  2. What the lungs are enclosed in.
  3. The voice box.
  4. Process that includes both inspiration and expiration.
  5. Inflammation in the bronchi and bronchial tubes.
  6. Process of breathing.
  7. (inhalation) process of breathing in air.
  8. Inflammation of the larynx.
  9. Inflammation or infection of the lungs
  10. Organs in the chest that allow the body to take in oxygen.
  11. A nosebleed.
  12. Has two openings which air enters, the nostrils or nares.
  13. Cavities The hollow spaces in the nose.
  14. Hairs in the nose that trap dust and other particles.
  1. Disorder of being sensitive to an allergen.
  2. The throat.
  3. The windpipe.
  4. condition where alveoli walls lose elasticity.
  5. Cartilage that opens the Larynx when swallowing.
  6. Enters and lung and carries air form the trachea to the lung.
  7. (exhalation) process of air coming out of the lungs.
  8. Bronchi divides in the lungs into smaller branches called bronchioles.
  9. (cold) contagious infectious disease known as the flu.
  10. Respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissue cells and blood stream.
  11. System Structure that consists of the lungs and air passages.
  12. Respiration Process of cells using oxygen and nutrients to produce energy.
  13. Cavities in the skull that surround the nasal area.
  14. Inflammation of membrane of the lungs.
  15. Network of capillaries that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and lungs.

29 Clues: The throat.A nosebleed.The windpipe.The voice box.Process of breathing.Inflammation of the larynx.What the lungs are enclosed in.Inflammation of membrane of the lungs.Inflammation or infection of the lungsCavities The hollow spaces in the nose.(inhalation) process of breathing in air.Disorder of being sensitive to an allergen....

Respiratory System 2018-06-02

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. entraps dust and particles from air
  2. folds of muscle tissue and connective tissue: vibrates
  3. breathing rapidly and shortly
  4. respiratory system circulates this throughout body
  5. conducts air to pharynx, warms/moistens air
  6. divides nasal cavity into left and right portions
  7. reduces weight of skull, resonant chambers
  8. has 3 subdivisions/ prevents foreign objects in trachea
  9. inhale
  1. flexible tube that connects larynx to bronchial tree
  2. controls depth of air intake
  3. humans exhale this
  4. entrance to nasal cavity, internal hairs filter
  5. passageway for air from nose/passageway for food
  6. Medulla oblongata and pons
  7. main organs of respiratory system
  8. branched tubes leading from trachea to alveoli
  9. exhale
  10. protein that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
  11. part of face centered above mouth and In between eyes

20 Clues: exhaleinhalehumans exhale thisMedulla oblongata and ponscontrols depth of air intakebreathing rapidly and shortlymain organs of respiratory systementraps dust and particles from airreduces weight of skull, resonant chambersconducts air to pharynx, warms/moistens airbranched tubes leading from trachea to alveoli...

Respiratory System 2018-11-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. greatest impact on respiratory rate
  2. collapsed lung
  3. difference between airway and pleural pressure
  4. mechanical force that drives ventilation
  5. cause CO2 and H2O to form carbonic acid H2CO3
  6. 80% of CO2 is moved through this
  7. where Po2 is the highest
  8. prevents choking
  9. reads ph receptors
  1. covers the entire thoracic cavity
  2. drives ventilation
  3. where primary bronchi and pulmonary vessels enter the lung
  4. where Pco2 is the highest
  5. respiratory group that set breathing rhythm like SA node in cardiac system
  6. where filtering,warming, and humidifying occur
  7. always equilibrates to atmospheric pressure
  8. his law states, the more compressed a gas, the higher the pressure
  9. majority of O2 is moved through it
  10. respiration that occurs between alveoli and capillaries
  11. respiration that occurs at tissue level

20 Clues: collapsed lungprevents chokingdrives ventilationreads ph receptorswhere Po2 is the highestwhere Pco2 is the highest80% of CO2 is moved through thiscovers the entire thoracic cavitymajority of O2 is moved through itgreatest impact on respiratory raterespiration that occurs at tissue levelmechanical force that drives ventilation...

Respiratory System 2013-04-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Inspiratory muscle at rest
  2. Process by which O2/CO2 moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  3. External respiration occurs here
  4. Detect changes in temperature
  5. Inspiration occurs when lung air pressure...
  6. Changes in volume in this area causes inspiration and expiration
  7. Controls the inspiratory and expiratory muscles
  8. Cigarette smoke contains this
  9. Changes in O2/CO2 balance alter this
  10. These relax when expiring
  11. Inspiration is an ...... process
  1. The pressure that a gas exterts within a mixture of gases
  2. Narrowing of the respiratory airways
  3. Changes in the body result in efficiency of oxygen uptake
  4. Expiration in a ....... process
  5. Inspiratory muscle when active
  6. Provide stimuli based on tension and contraction in the muscles/tendons
  7. Expiratory muscle when active
  8. Non-medical method of reducing effects of asthma
  9. Aerobic training improves the .......... of respiratory muscles
  10. Volume of air breathed in and out in one breath
  11. Exercise causes this
  12. This occurs as a result of aerobic training
  13. Medical way of relieving affects of asthma
  14. Volume of air breathed in and out in one minute
  15. Respond to increased CO2 and decreased O2 as well as changes in blood pH
  16. O2 combines with this for transportation

27 Clues: Exercise causes thisThese relax when expiringInspiratory muscle at restDetect changes in temperatureExpiratory muscle when activeCigarette smoke contains thisInspiratory muscle when activeExpiration in a ....... processExternal respiration occurs hereInspiration is an ...... processNarrowing of the respiratory airways...

Respiratory System 2012-10-26

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. this couldn't happen without a respiratory system
  2. voice box
  3. tiny hairs
  4. oxygen gets picked up by a molecule called
  5. an inflammation of the lungs
  6. the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, and other structures (thorax)
  7. windpipe
  8. the trachea divides into left and right air tubes
  9. separates the chest from the abdomen
  1. also known as the throat
  2. cold most common respiratory infection
  3. larger bronchial tubes become inflamed and an excessive amount of mucus is produced
  4. air fills a large portion of the millions of alveoli in a process called..
  5. dioxide waste gas that is produced when carbon is combined with oxygen
  6. end in tiny air sacs called
  7. the exchange of oxygen from the environment for carbon dioxide from the body's cells
  8. are the main organs of the respiratory system
  9. defend people against germs and microorganisms
  10. tiny blood vessels
  11. long-term, inflammatory lung disease
  12. The lungs also contain elastic tissues that allow them to inflate and deflate without losing shape and are encased by a thin lining called the

21 Clues: windpipevoice boxtiny hairstiny blood vesselsalso known as the throatend in tiny air sacs calledan inflammation of the lungslong-term, inflammatory lung diseaseseparates the chest from the abdomencold most common respiratory infectionoxygen gets picked up by a molecule calledare the main organs of the respiratory system...

Respiratory System 2013-04-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Trachea is joined by _____ ligaments to allow flexibility.
  2. Organ of ____ has muscle contractions that change tension in ligaments. As air moves past ligaments, vibration will cause voice.
  3. Divides the pharynx into nasal and oral
  4. Connects the pharynx to the trachea.
  5. This part of the nose will stay moist because of the nasolacrimal duct.
  6. The cartilage of the larynx.
  7. Air-filled cavity within facial bones of the skull.
  8. _______ and pigs have an accessory lung found above the right lung.
  9. Moving air into and out of the lungs.
  10. Conchae bones that separates the nasal cavity into passages. Have silts so air can enter the sinuses.
  1. Rapid, shallow breathing.
  2. Abnormal slowness of breathing.
  3. Receptors in the ___signal to close the epiglottis to block the trachea.
  4. Amount of gas in air that can be expressed as ______ and measured in millimeters of mercury.
  5. Increased depth or frequency of breathing.
  6. Bronchi divide into _______.
  7. About 7% dissolves in the body and combines with water.
  8. In the external stage of gaseous exchange, PO2 in the lungs is __ than the PO2 in the blood.
  9. In the internal stage of gaseous exchange, PCO2 in the blood is ___ than the PCO2 in the tissues.
  10. _____ move mucus to the pharynx.
  11. Ventilation + Gas Exchange.
  12. Alveolar fluid contains pulmonary ______ to reduce surface tension and promote stability.
  13. Depression splitting the lip.
  14. Parts of the respiratory tract that is NOT involved in gaseous exchange.
  15. _____ epithelium found at the caudal part of the nasal cavity.
  16. ____ is required to yield energy from glucose in the form of ATP. Water and CO2 are the by-products.

26 Clues: Rapid, shallow breathing.Ventilation + Gas Exchange.Bronchi divide into _______.The cartilage of the larynx.Depression splitting the lip.Abnormal slowness of breathing._____ move mucus to the pharynx.Connects the pharynx to the trachea.Moving air into and out of the lungs.Divides the pharynx into nasal and oral...

Respiratory System 2012-12-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. observation of the bronchial tube
  2. cutting into the chest
  3. This is a lung specialist
  4. an instrument for examining the larynx
  5. breathing is also called this
  6. where is your voice box located
  7. normal relaxed breathing
  8. you breathe this in
  9. a tube placed in the trachea to produce an airflow
  10. Right lung has this many lobes
  11. the inability to breath unless sitting up
  12. lack of oxygen reaching the tissues
  13. Shortness of Breath
  14. when you breathe in the diaphragm does this
  15. the abbreviation for Carbin Dioxide
  1. coughing out and spitting out
  2. air enters this first
  3. when a person stops breathing while asleep
  4. this surrounds the lungs
  5. muscle under the lungs
  6. process of breathing in air
  7. filter inhaled air
  8. stops food and and liquid from getting into the lungs
  9. difficulty in speaking
  10. these are also called air sacsLungs two spongy looking sacs
  11. also known as the windpipe
  12. inflammation of the bronchus
  13. Abbreviation for a Chest X-Ray
  14. chest

29 Clues: chestfilter inhaled airyou breathe this inShortness of Breathair enters this firstcutting into the chestmuscle under the lungsdifficulty in speakingthis surrounds the lungsnormal relaxed breathingThis is a lung specialistalso known as the windpipeprocess of breathing in airinflammation of the bronchuscoughing out and spitting out...

Respiratory System 2013-02-06

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Collection of pus in pleural cavity
  2. Device measuring oxygen saturation
  3. Loss of voice due to disease
  4. Testing from tuberculin for past of present infection with tubercle bacilli
  5. Blockage of the pulmonary artery
  6. Total or partial collapse of lung
  7. Test performed on sputum to identify the presence of bacteria
  8. Difficulty breathing due to lung disease
  9. Inflammation of larynx, trachea, & bronchial passageways
  10. Lung disease with sudden attacks of labored breathing, chest constriction, & coughing
  11. Chronic lung disease, like asthma, where breathing becomes forced
  1. Inhale or suck in air
  2. Closing of the larynx
  3. Protrusion of an organ through the wall that contains it
  4. Any infection acquired in hospital
  5. Fluid in the lungs collected in air sacs
  6. Inflammation of the lining in chest & lung
  7. Nosebleeds
  8. Absence of oxygen
  9. Tool used to see inside the airways and lungs
  10. Profuse nosebleed
  11. Removal of fluid from the chest
  12. Infection of the lungs caused by a fungus
  13. Inflammation of the epiglottis
  14. Pain in the chest

25 Clues: NosebleedsAbsence of oxygenProfuse nosebleedPain in the chestInhale or suck in airClosing of the larynxLoss of voice due to diseaseInflammation of the epiglottisRemoval of fluid from the chestBlockage of the pulmonary arteryTotal or partial collapse of lungAny infection acquired in hospitalDevice measuring oxygen saturation...

Respiratory System 2013-01-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. This and Cromolyn are used for prophylactic treatment of bronchial asthma?
  2. This is the most common risk factor for COPD?
  3. A new anticholinergic drug used to treat asthmatic conditions by dilating the bronchioles?
  4. An inflammatory disorder of the airway walls associated with a varying amount of airway obstruction?
  5. Afrin is a type of what decongestant?
  6. These suppress the cough reflex?
  7. An example of a methylxanthine (xanthine) derivative?
  8. Member of the corticosteroid family and are used to treat respiratory disorders, particularly asthma?
  9. This may increase the effect of the theophylline group and may cause toxicity?
  10. Zyrtec is an example of an antihistamine usesd to treat what type of rhinitis?
  11. Also called watery nasal discharge?
  12. Used to loosen bronchial secretions so they can be eliminated by coughing?
  13. This type of lung disease involves a decrease in total lung capacity as a result of fluid accumulation or loss of elasticity of the lung?
  14. This is a chemical mediator that can cause inflammatory changes in the lungs?
  15. These act like detergents to liquefy and loosen thick mucous secretions so they can be expectorated?
  16. Also known as bronchoconstriction?
  17. The movement of air from outside the body, thru the upper and lower airways to the alveoli?
  1. Herbal decongestant?
  2. The process by which gas exchange occurs at the alveolar-capillary membrane?
  3. The first beta-adrenergic agent used to treat bronchospasms?
  4. Local side effects associated with orally inhaled glucocorticoids include: dry mouth, throat irritation, coughing, and ?
  5. Used to treat bacterial respiratory infections?
  6. Also known as the common cold?
  7. Rebound nasal congestion is caused by irritation of the ?
  8. Are commonly used as cold remedies and also treat allergic rhinitis?
  9. The best medication for treating an acute bronchospasm?
  10. When there is an abnormal dilation of the bronchi and brocnhioles?
  11. This drug may decrease the effect of beta blockers when taken with decongestants?
  12. The most commonly used expectorant?
  13. The respiratory tract is divided into two major parts: and lower?

30 Clues: Herbal decongestant?Also known as the common cold?These suppress the cough reflex?Also known as bronchoconstriction?The most commonly used expectorant?Also called watery nasal discharge?Afrin is a type of what decongestant?This is the most common risk factor for COPD?Used to treat bacterial respiratory infections?...

Respiratory System 2013-03-02

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for the pharynx.
  2. Another name for trachea.
  3. A piece of cartilage acts like a lid over the larynx.
  4. ___________ brings oxygen into the lungs and eliminates carbon dioxide
  5. During inhalation the epiglottis lifts up so that air passes over the larynx and into the _______
  6. The respiratory system is divided into the _____ respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract.
  7. Look like small clusters of grapes.
  8. Eventually, the bronchioles and end in tiny air sacs with a single cell layer.
  9. Respiration involves inhalation & __________.
  1. Every Cell Needs This To Survive
  2. The epiglottis prevents _________ from entering the airway during swallowing.
  3. The right lung has _____ lobes.
  4. Breathing out
  5. Breathing In
  6. Each lung is covered by a two-layered sac called.
  7. The bronchus enters the lung and further divides into small branches called ___________.
  8. Alveoli are surrounded by theses.
  9. Lungs are separated from the abdominal cavity by a muscle called the _________.
  10. Air enters the nose and passes into the ______.
  11. These are spongy tissues filled with alveoli, blood vessels, and nerves.
  12. The voice box.

21 Clues: Breathing InBreathing outThe voice box.Another name for trachea.Another name for the pharynx.The right lung has _____ lobes.Every Cell Needs This To SurviveAlveoli are surrounded by theses.Look like small clusters of grapes.Respiration involves inhalation & __________.Air enters the nose and passes into the ______....

Respiratory System 2013-09-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. chronic disease characterized by periodic attacks of dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing
  2. inflammation of the pleura
  3. bleeding from the nose
  4. incision into the chest cavity
  5. surgical fixation of the pleura
  6. surgical repair of the nose
  7. abnormal condition of the lung
  8. visual examination of the bronchi
  9. infection of nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and bronchi
  10. surgical removal of the adenoids
  11. surgical removal of the tonsil
  12. inflammation of the tonsils
  13. artificial opening into the trachea
  14. inflammation of the pharynx
  15. degenerative disease characterized by destructive changes in the walls of the alveoli
  1. inflammation of the adenoids
  2. inflammation of the larynx
  3. inflammation of the nose and throat
  4. chronic obstruction of the airway that results from emphysema, asthma, or chronic bronchitis
  5. air in the pleural cavity causes the lung to collapse
  6. inflammation of the bronchi
  7. excision of the lung
  8. instrument used to visually examine the bronchi
  9. excision of the larynx
  10. instrument used for visual examination of the larynx
  11. excision of the lobe
  12. x-ray of the bronchi and lung

27 Clues: excision of the lungexcision of the lobebleeding from the noseexcision of the larynxinflammation of the pleurainflammation of the larynxsurgical repair of the noseinflammation of the bronchiinflammation of the tonsilsinflammation of the pharynxinflammation of the adenoidsx-ray of the bronchi and lungincision into the chest cavity...

Respiratory System 2014-01-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. gas that passes into the blood stream at the lungs and travels to all body cells
  2. infection of the nose
  3. voice box
  4. structure hanging over the entrance to the larynx
  5. plastic repair of the trachea
  6. collection of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx
  7. nose job
  8. x-ray of the bronchiloes
  9. hollow space pertaining to the nose
  10. infection of the tonsil
  11. an instrument for examining the of a hollow viscus
  1. opening to the larynx
  2. throat
  3. muscle separating the chest and abdomen
  4. smallest branches of the bronchi
  5. infection of the windpipe
  6. incision of the nasal septum
  7. wheezing due to spasmodic contraction of the bronchi
  8. bacterial infection that can spread through the lymph nodes & blood stream to any organ in your body
  9. infection of the throat/sore throat
  10. division of the lung
  11. windpipe
  12. runny nose
  13. double-folded membrane surrounding each lung
  14. little hairs that move "stuff"

25 Clues: throatnose jobwindpipevoice boxrunny nosedivision of the lungopening to the larynxinfection of the noseinfection of the tonsilx-ray of the bronchiloesinfection of the windpipeincision of the nasal septumplastic repair of the trachealittle hairs that move "stuff"smallest branches of the bronchiinfection of the throat/sore throat...

Respiratory system 2014-10-26

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. voice
  2. fast breathing
  3. air accumulates in the pleural cavity, between the layers of the pleura
  4. "difficult voice"; hoarseness
  5. too much CO2
  6. chest x-ray
  7. lung specialist or lung doctor
  8. shortness of breath
  9. upper respiratory infection
  10. edema swelling or fluid in the lungs
  11. inflammation of the larynx
  12. chest
  1. matter ejected from the trachea, bronchi, and lungs through the mouth
  2. tissues have a decreased amount of oxygen
  3. breathing
  4. intubation placement of a tube into the pharynx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway
  5. surgical removal of a lung
  6. instrument used to look at the larynx; also used to help with endotracheal intubation
  7. cutting into the chest
  8. inflammation of the bronchi
  9. o pharynx; throat
  10. to cough up and spit out material from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  11. difficulty breathing
  12. absence of oxygen to tissues
  13. not breathing; without breathing
  14. to the bronchi with fiberoptic scope
  15. inflammation of the throat
  16. infection (pus)/inflammation in the alveoli
  17. have to breath sitting up or standing
  18. chest

30 Clues: voicechestchestbreathingchest x-raytoo much CO2fast breathingo pharynx; throatshortness of breathdifficulty breathingcutting into the chestsurgical removal of a lunginflammation of the throatinflammation of the larynxinflammation of the bronchiupper respiratory infectionabsence of oxygen to tissues"difficult voice"; hoarseness...

Respiratory system 2014-10-26

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. edema swelling or fluid in the lungs
  2. upper respiratory infection
  3. lung specialist or lung doctor
  4. air accumulates in the pleural cavity, between the layers of the pleura
  5. intubation placement of a tube into the pharynx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway
  6. instrument used to look at the larynx; also used to help with endotracheal intubation
  7. fast breathing
  8. chest
  9. inflammation of the throat
  10. o pharynx; throat
  11. to cough up and spit out material from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  12. effusion effusion is escape of fluid from the blood vessels or lymphatics into a cavity. In this case, between the layers of the pleura
  13. not breathing; without breathing
  14. cutting into the chest
  15. breathing
  16. tissues have a decreased amount of oxygen
  17. chest x-ray
  1. matter ejected from the trachea, bronchi, and lungs through the mouth
  2. voice
  3. infection (pus)/inflammation in the alveoli
  4. have to breath sitting up or standing
  5. to the bronchi with fiberoptic scope
  6. surgical removal of a lung
  7. too much CO2
  8. normal breathing
  9. difficulty breathing
  10. cutting into the trachea
  11. "difficult voice"; hoarseness
  12. inflammation of the larynx
  13. absence of oxygen to tissues
  14. inflammation of the bronchi
  15. chest
  16. shortness of breath

33 Clues: voicechestchestbreathingchest x-raytoo much CO2fast breathingnormal breathingo pharynx; throatshortness of breathdifficulty breathingcutting into the chestcutting into the tracheasurgical removal of a lunginflammation of the throatinflammation of the larynxupper respiratory infectioninflammation of the bronchiabsence of oxygen to tissues...


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive breathing
  2. Absence of breathing
  3. Periodic, sudden attack
  4. Instrument used for visual examination of the bronchi
  5. Instrument used to measure carbon dioxide
  6. Deprivation of oxygen for tissue use
  7. Pertaining to in the lung, new growth
  8. Difficult breathing
  9. Hernia of the diaphragm
  10. Dilation for the bronchi
  11. Noninvasive method of measuring oxygen in the blood using a device that attaches to the fingertip
  12. Abnormal condition of fungus in the lungs
  1. Flap of cartilage that automatically covers the opening of the larynx and keeps food from entering the larynx during swallowing
  2. Serves as a food and air passageway
  3. Diseased state of the lung
  4. Pain in the diaphragm
  5. Narrowing of the trachea
  6. Agent causing narrowing of the bronchi
  7. Surgical fixation of the pleura
  8. Causes tuberculosis
  9. Air sacs at the end of the bronchioles
  10. Creation of an artificial opening to the larynx
  11. Incomplete expansion (of the lung or portion of the lung)
  12. Blood in chest cavity
  13. Normal breathing
  14. Deficient breathing

26 Clues: Normal breathingExcessive breathingCauses tuberculosisDifficult breathingDeficient breathingAbsence of breathingPain in the diaphragmBlood in chest cavityPeriodic, sudden attackHernia of the diaphragmNarrowing of the tracheaDilation for the bronchiDiseased state of the lungSurgical fixation of the pleuraServes as a food and air passageway...

Respiratory System 2015-06-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Involved in air intake and they bring air into the nose, where air is warmed and humidified
  2. The secondary external opening for the respiratory tract
  3. Pumping and transporting is to exchange oxygen and other nutrients for waste products
  4. The process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange
  5. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen
  6. The tiny sac like structure present in the lungs which the gaseous exchange takes place
  7. A dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the lungs breathing starts
  1. pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs were it receives oxygen to spread throughout the body
  2. bronchi branches off into smaller tubes called __________ which end in the pulmonary alveoli
  3. The inside of the nose
  4. Two air tubes that branch off of the trachea and carry air directly into the lungs
  5. the thin fluid-filled space between the two pleurae of each lung
  6. A chemical element with symbol O that is what you breath
  7. A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways in which it makes it harder to breath
  8. A flap that is made of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a mucous membrane, attached to the entrance of the larynx
  9. A short section of the airway that connects the laryngopharynx and the trachea
  10. Filters the air we breathe and branches into the bronchi
  11. The way yo take in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide
  12. The main organs of the respiratory system, where the oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is breathed out
  13. Muscular funnel that extends from the posterior end of the nasal cavity to the superior end of the esophagus and larynx

20 Clues: The inside of the noseThe way yo take in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxideThe secondary external opening for the respiratory tractA chemical element with symbol O that is what you breathFilters the air we breathe and branches into the bronchithe thin fluid-filled space between the two pleurae of each lung...

Respiratory System 2015-06-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. 2 words Body cells use the inhaled oxygen gotten from the alveoli of the lungs. In turn, they produce carbon dioxide and water, which is taken to the alveoli and then exhaled.
  2. A passive process because muscle contraction does not occur.
  3. The secondary external opening for the respiratory tract.
  4. 4 words Under normal resting conditions, the body maintains a quiet breathing rate and depth called eupnea. Eupnea is maintained until the body’s demand for oxygen and production of carbon dioxide rises due to greater exertion.
  5. Spongy, air-filled organs located on both sides of the chest cavity.
  6. An active motion that causes the diaphragm to contract.
  7. Allow the passage of air to the lungs.
  8. Tiny grape-like sacs at the end of the respiratory tree.
  9. A muscular structure located between the thoracic and abdominal cavity.
  1. 2 words the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange.
  2. 4 words Inspiration or inhalation is said to be an active process because it involves muscle contraction. The diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract.
  3. The primary upper respiratory organ in which air enters into and exits from the body.
  4. 2 words could be Asthma or allergic reaction or stress and anxiety
  5. 3 words Surrounding the lungs are sets of muscles that are able to cause air to be inhaled or exhaled from the lungs.
  6. 3 words The 2 major respiratory gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, are transported through the body in the blood.
  7. 2 words the exchange of gases between the blood in capillaries and the tissues of the body.
  8. 2 words the exchange of gases between the air filling the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries surrounding the walls of the alveoli.
  9. An tubular structure, positioned behind the oral and nasal cavities, that allows air to pass from the mouth to the lungs.
  10. 2 words The inside of the nose
  11. Part of the upper respiratory tract that has two main functions: a passageway for air to enter into the lungs, and a source of vocalization.

20 Clues: 2 words The inside of the noseAllow the passage of air to the lungs.An active motion that causes the diaphragm to contract.Tiny grape-like sacs at the end of the respiratory tree.The secondary external opening for the respiratory tract.A passive process because muscle contraction does not occur....

Respiratory System 2015-06-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Infection of the larynx, trachea and the bronchial tubes.
  2. chronic lung disease by inflammation of the bronchial tubes caused by genetic and environmental factors.
  3. lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which air sacs fill with pus and may become solid.
  4. tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream.
  5. A slimy substance secreted by the glands in _______ membranes.
  6. the tiny branch of air tubes within the lungs and it's a continuation of the bronchus.
  7. contains nostrils and is used for breathing and smelling.
  8. a swelling of the bronchi.
  9. it's a dome shaped muscular partition separating the thorax form the abdomen. It also inflates the lungs.
  10. an infectious disease characterized by the growth of nodules in the tissues, especially the lungs.
  11. connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus.
  1. a cartilage situated at the point where the trachea or windpipe divides into two bronchi.
  2. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged. Causes you to not breathe normally.
  3. the space above the soft palate at the back of the nose and and connects the nose to the mouth.
  4. pair of breathing organs, located in the chest.
  5. cavity within the bone or other tissue. Usually in the nines of the face or skull connecting with the nasal cavities.
  6. inflammation of bronchioles.
  7. also known as the windpipe.
  8. a large air tube that begins at the end of the trachea and branches into the lungs.
  9. also known as the voice box.

20 Clues: a swelling of the bronchi.also known as the windpipe.inflammation of bronchioles.also known as the voice box.pair of breathing organs, located in the chest.Infection of the larynx, trachea and the bronchial tubes.contains nostrils and is used for breathing and smelling.connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus....

Respiratory System 2022-03-30

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. provides airway for respiration
  2. throat; connects nasal cavity to larynx
  3. concave, inferior surface of the lungs that rests on the diaphragm
  4. air-filled sacs
  5. period when air flows into the lungs
  6. all other respiratory passageways
  7. the pressure within the pleural cavity
  1. the pressure within the alveoli of the lungs
  2. site of gas exchange
  3. pulmonary ventilation
  4. trap and destroy pathogens
  5. area in the left lung for the heart
  6. divides the nose into two sides
  7. period when gases exit the lungs
  8. 23 orders of branching air passageways in the lungs
  9. voice box; switching mechanism to route air and food into the correct channels
  10. lightens the skull, warm/moistens entering air
  11. if the pressure in the lungs are ever equalized, the lungs will __
  12. windpipe
  13. paired; each suspended in own pleural cavity

20 Clues: windpipeair-filled sacssite of gas exchangepulmonary ventilationtrap and destroy pathogensprovides airway for respirationdivides the nose into two sidesperiod when gases exit the lungsall other respiratory passagewaysarea in the left lung for the heartperiod when air flows into the lungsthe pressure within the pleural cavity...

Respiratory System 2022-01-07

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach; the gullet. In humans and other vertebrates it is a muscular tube lined with mucous membrane.
  2. The large air passages that lead from the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs.
  3. the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the external environment.
  4. the part of the body of a mammal between the neck and the abdomen, including the cavity enclosed by the ribs, breastbone, and dorsal vertebrae, and containing the chief organs of circulation and respiration; the chest.
  5. a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.
  6. a short microscopic hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion.
  7. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen
  8. take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.
  9. a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
  10. a colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.
  1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
  2. relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.
  3. a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
  4. The hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the
  5. slimy substance, typically not miscible with water, secreted by mucous membranes and glands for lubrication, protection, etc.
  6. a partition separating two chambers, such as that between the nostrils or the chambers of the heart.
  7. The space inside the nose
  8. relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.
  9. The airway that leads from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchi (large airways that lead to the lungs).
  10. breathe out
  11. lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs ( double pneumonia ), one lung ( single pneumonia ), or only certain lobes ( lobar pneumonia ).
  12. the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and from which speech and other sounds are emitted.

22 Clues: breathe outThe space inside the noserelating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration.the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the external environment.The large air passages that lead from the trachea (windpipe) to the lungs....


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. Ikatan antara oksigen dan hemoglobin
  2. Pernapasan
  3. Otot antar rusuk
  4. Proses saat pundi-pundi udara kenari terisi
  5. Sekumpulan kantong udara
  6. Sesak napas
  7. Sekat pembatas rongga dada dan perut
  8. Salah satu faktor frekuensi pernapasan
  9. Pengikat dan pelepas oksigen
  10. Lubang aliran masuk dan keluar oksigen dan karbondioksida pada belalang
  11. Cabang bronkus
  12. Enzim dalam eritrosit
  13. Selaput tipis paru-paru
  1. Proses saat pundi-pundi udara kenari kosong
  2. Saluran bercabang dua setelah trakea
  3. CO2
  4. Udara masuk ke dalam paru-paru
  5. Radang rongga hidung
  6. Peristiwa dalam sel yang menghasilkan karbondioksida
  7. Percabangan trakea belalang
  8. Pangkal tenggorok
  9. Udara keluar dari paru-paru
  10. Batang tenggorok
  11. Paru-paru
  12. Gangguan pengangkutan dan penggunaan oksigen oleh jaringan
  13. Tempat ujung saraf penangkap bau
  14. O2
  15. Salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan organ pernapasan
  16. Zat yang menyebabkan kanker
  17. Cara oksigen masuk ke kapiler dari alveolus
  18. Salah satu kandungan rokok
  19. Tekak

32 Clues: O2CO2TekakParu-paruPernapasanSesak napasCabang bronkusBatang tenggorokOtot antar rusukPangkal tenggorokRadang rongga hidungEnzim dalam eritrositSelaput tipis paru-paruSekumpulan kantong udaraSalah satu kandungan rokokPercabangan trakea belalangUdara keluar dari paru-paruZat yang menyebabkan kankerPengikat dan pelepas oksigen...

Respiratory System 2022-03-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. acute form of COPD
  2. can be hard or soft
  3. most abundant gas in atmospheric air
  4. pressure that prevents the lungs from collapsing
  5. these cartilages anchor the vocal cords
  6. stimulation from this branch of the ANS causes bronchodilation
  7. where things enter and exit the lung
  8. binds to the iron in hemoglobin
  9. the amount of air in one normal breath
  10. initiates the cough reflex
  11. law that states that pressure is inversely related to volume
  1. describes the process of exhalation
  2. the most important respiratory muscle
  3. prevents food from entering airways when we swallow
  4. bacterial infection that affects lungs
  5. the flat part of the lungs
  6. passageway for air ONLY
  7. this tonsil covers the base of the tongue
  8. air-filled space that gives resonance to our voice
  9. basic structural and functional unit of the respiratory system
  10. another name for the voicebox

21 Clues: acute form of COPDcan be hard or softpassageway for air ONLYthe flat part of the lungsinitiates the cough reflexanother name for the voiceboxbinds to the iron in hemoglobindescribes the process of exhalationmost abundant gas in atmospheric airwhere things enter and exit the lungthe most important respiratory muscle...

Respiratory System 2022-03-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Chronic Obstruction of airways
  2. A layer of tissue that lines the pleural cavity
  3. Inflammation of mucus membrane
  4. Breathing begins with a dome-shaped muscle
  5. Tube that connects the mouth to the larynx
  6. infectious lung disease caused by bacteria
  7. Tube that connects the trachea to the lungs.
  8. nosebleed
  9. A lung disease that inflames bronchial tubes
  10. Hair like structures
  11. inflammation of lung membrane
  12. To breathe out
  13. highly contagious viral infection
  1. It is a leaf-shaped flap of cartilage
  2. inflammation of voice box
  3. It is also known as windpipe, it filters the air
  4. inflammation of nasal mucous membrane
  5. Main part of the respiratory system
  6. to breath in
  7. It is the tiny sac like structure in the lungs

20 Clues: nosebleedto breath inTo breathe outHair like structuresinflammation of voice boxinflammation of lung membraneChronic Obstruction of airwaysInflammation of mucus membranehighly contagious viral infectionMain part of the respiratory systemIt is a leaf-shaped flap of cartilageinflammation of nasal mucous membrane...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  2. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  3. Process of gas exchange
  4. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  5. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  6. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  7. ________ cavity behind the nose
  8. Air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  9. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  10. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  11. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  1. Where cellular respiration occurs
  2. Number of lobes of the right lung
  3. Another name for whooping cough
  4. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  5. Number of lobes of the left lung
  6. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  7. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  8. Known as the vocal cords
  9. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cordsAnother name for whooping coughFluid that lubricated the lungs________ cavity behind the noseNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseWhere cellular respiration occursNumber of lobes of the right lungBody cavity which holds the lungsInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  2. Number of lobes of the left lung
  3. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  4. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  5. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  6. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  7. Another name for whooping cough
  8. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  1. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  2. Where cellular respiration occurs
  3. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  4. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries
  5. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  6. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  7. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  8. Process of gas exchange
  9. Known as the vocal cords
  10. ________ cavity behind the nose
  11. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  12. Number of lobes of the right lung

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cords________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsAnother name for whooping coughNumber of lobes of the left lungNasal bones that divide the noseWhere cellular respiration occursBody cavity which holds the lungsNumber of lobes of the right lungInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-04-27

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water move across a membrane
  2. Number of lobes of the right lung
  3. Where cellular respiration occurs
  4. A deviated ________ is a crooked nasal bone
  5. Another name for whooping cough
  6. Closes during swallowing to prevent choking
  7. Known as the vocal cords
  8. Tube with cartilage rings running down the throat
  9. Involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  10. Body cavity which holds the lungs
  11. Overall lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
  1. Disease caused by inflammation and excessive mucus in bronchial tubes
  2. Nasal bones that divide the nose
  3. Process of gas exchange
  4. Measures the air volume moving in and out of lungs
  5. Number of lobes of the left lung
  6. ________ cavity behind the nose
  7. Muscle that moves up and down to push and pull air
  8. Fluid that lubricated the lungs
  9. air sacs in the lungs that exchange gas with capillaries

20 Clues: Process of gas exchangeKnown as the vocal cords________ cavity behind the noseFluid that lubricated the lungsAnother name for whooping coughNasal bones that divide the noseNumber of lobes of the left lungNumber of lobes of the right lungWhere cellular respiration occursBody cavity which holds the lungsInvoluntary contractions of the diaphragm...

Respiratory System 2022-05-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Thin sacs that surround each lung lobe and separate your lungs from the chest wall.
  2. the act of breathing
  3. relating to the lungs
  4. contagious infection that usually attacks your lungs
  5. air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
  6. prevent foreign objects from slipping into the lungs
  7. Tissue flap at the entrance to the trachea that closes when you swallow to keep food and liquids out of your airway.
  8. tube where the vocal cords are, voice box
  9. major muscle of respiration
  10. cessation of breathing
  11. gas breathed in by the lungs
  12. substance that protects the lungs
  1. Blood vessels in the alveoli walls that move oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  2. Small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli.
  3. flap that prevents food from entering the windpipe
  4. protects the organs
  5. respiratory disease that causes difficult in breathing
  6. primary respiratory control center
  7. bones that assist in respiration
  8. inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes
  9. organ that allows respiration to take place
  10. Hollow organ that allows you to talk and make sounds when air moves in and out.
  11. carry air out of your lungs
  12. move microbes and debris up and out of the airways
  13. is the passage leading from your mouth and throat to your stomach.

25 Clues: protects the organsthe act of breathingrelating to the lungscessation of breathingcarry air out of your lungsmajor muscle of respirationgas breathed in by the lungsbones that assist in respirationsubstance that protects the lungsprimary respiratory control centertube where the vocal cords are, voice boxorgan that allows respiration to take place...